LOG POST: Niou and Yagyuu

May 18, 2007 03:28


Who: Niou, Yagyuu, and...random golf club members
What: An argument of sorts
Where: Rikkai Dai high school
When: Thursday, May 17th
Why: It was needed after their last posts

Niou: *lurking behind a corner of the school building, snickering to himself as he watches the members of the golf club run around anxiously, collecting bent golf clubs and picking up the baskets of overturned golf balls* *adjusts the glasses he has on and congratulates himself on a job well done*

Yagyuu: *adjusts his bag on his shoulder as he approaches the green and tilts his head curiously when he hears people yelling from over the hill* *arrives where the golf club usually meets and blinks at them all blankly when he sees mini-chaos*

Niou: *spots Yagyuu and his eyes go wide* *slinks further back along the wall, ducking in the shadows to see what happens*

Yagyuu: *approaches the captain of the golf club slowly* Uh... what happened?

Golf captain: *freezes* *turns around slowly, holding a golf club in his hands that should probably be donated to the horseshoe team at this point in its life* *eyes narrow* You.

Random golf club member #1: *sees Yagyuu and pitches a spaz* AAAAHHHHHH, HE'S BACK. GUARD THE GOLF CARTS!!

Yagyuu: *blinks in confusion* Excuse me? *looks at the captain again* What's wrong with him?

Random golf club member #2: *whips out a rosary out of nowhere and holds it in front of him* BACK. BACK EVIL DEMON!

Golf captain: *looks like he wants to use the golf club as a weapon, but decides the poor thing has already been abused enough* I said you weren't allowed to come back here anymore!

Yagyuu: *backs up in slight fear* Can I ask when you said that and why?

Niou: *watches the golf club go crazy and wonders if maybe he overdid it a bit* >.> *hopes Yagyuu won't kill him later*

Golf captain: I JUST SAID IT NOT TEN MINUTES AGO- *takes a deep breath and continues in a tightly controlled tone of voice* As for why... *loses it again* LOOK AROUND, FOOL.

Yagyuu: *face goes blank and he blinks at the captain some more like he's stupid* How would I know what you said ten minutes ago?

Golf captain: Because. THIS- *swings his arm around so quickly he nearly dislocates something* -is YOUR doing! Don't play dumb with me, Yagyuu, we caught you in the act!


Yagyuu: *makes a WTF face* Caught me in the act? The act of what? *is offended now* Are you trying to tell me that I did this? There's no possible way-- *breathes in deeply before he starts shaking with anger*

Niou: Er. *recognizes Yagyuu's I WANT TO KILL SOMETHING stance* ...Oh shit. *starts creeping along the wall again hoping to make it around to the other side of the school where he can ESCAPE* *pulls off his wig as he goes*

Golf captain: No possible way my ass. Do you think I'm stupid?! You can't come crawling back here hoping to join the team again after THIS happens! *whips his arm around and the bent golf club flies from his hand, smacking some poor random member in the face* .....NOW look what you've done!

Yagyuu: Oh, shut up, you girl. *turns around and stalks over to the school building* NIOU-KUN! Stop right there! *yells it even though Niou isn't even in his line of vision yet*

Niou: *was just about to turn the corner again and freezes, tensing up* *turns around, quickly hiding the wig behind his back as he sees Yagyuu stomping towards him* Yo, Yagyuu. *grins*

Yagyuu: *stalks up to Niou and holds out his hand, face expressionless* Give it.

Niou: *innocent face* Give you what? *feels his glasses slipping and scrunches his nose* *abruptly remembers he shouldn't even be wearing glasses in the first place* ... *tries to play it cool, like this is a normal thing, and smiles brightly*

Yagyuu: *visibly losing his patience* The wig. And the glasses.

Niou: *fakes a confused look* I don't have a wig. The glasses are new. You like?

Yagyuu: *reaches over and grabs Niou's wrist harshly, pulling it from behind Niou's back and holding it between them* Explain this then.

Niou: *blinks* Oh THAT. I found it. I think it belongs to our Japanese Literature teacher - you know, that old guy? I'm pretty sure he wears a toupee, he must have dropped it out the window for some reason. We should go return it to him! *tries to turn around*

Yagyuu: *grabs Niou's shoulder and spins him around again* Why do you insist on lying when it's not even worth it?

Niou: I have no idea what you're talking about. *adjusts his glasses*

Yagyuu: *rubs the bridge of his nose so he doesn't reach up and rip off the glasses from Niou's face* Why did you do it.

Niou: *shifty eyes* Do what?

Yagyuu: Stop playing stupid.

Niou: *crosses his arms, looking back at Yagyuu* Okay. I'm done.

Yagyuu: *doesn't believe him at all* Answer the question then.

Niou: *scratches his chin absently* What was the question again?

Yagyuu: Whatever. I can't believe you. *turns around and starts walking away*

Niou: ...Oy. Oy, Yagyuu! *pulls his glasses off, rushing to catch up with Yagyuu* Hang on a second!

Yagyuu: *stops VERY suddenly but stays silent, hand gripping the strap of his bag tightly*

Niou: *slows to a stop right behind him, trying to think of what to say* That wasn't... You- *scowls* I can't believe you were actually going to join their stupid club again!

Yagyuu: *whips around* Don't call them stupid!

Niou: *backs up a step* ... *looks off to the side* Right. My bad.

Yagyuu: Really, Niou-kun. Did you think I was joking around like you do?

Niou: I didn't think you were joking - I just didn't think you were SERIOUS about it.

Yagyuu: Oh, really? And which part was that? The sixth time I was asking you to stop?

Niou: *crosses his arms and frowns, looking away* *doesn't say anything*

Yagyuu: So now you're not going to say a word? *throws his hands up in exasperation* You're really something.

Niou: *whips his head back around to glare at him* I didn't want you going back to that stup-- To THAT club! You're supposed to stay on the TENNIS club!

Yagyuu: Supposed to?! Is there a rule that hasn't been mentioned to me? *glares back* And I suppose you think I'm having a grand time with you telling the entire world about my non-existent underwear!

Niou: *rolls his eyes, letting out an exasperated breath* I didn't think you'd get that mad about it! Lighten up, geez. Er. *clamps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide*

Yagyuu: *face falls* Lighten up. *snorts softly* I apologize for being so irrationally uptight.

Niou: *lowers his hand slightly* That's not what I meant. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to like...piss you off or anything.

Yagyuu: It's not even about that.

Niou: *brow furrows* What's it about?

Yagyuu: *looks away* It doesn't matter anymore.

Niou: *leans to the side so he's back in Yagyuu's view* Actually, it does.

Yagyuu: *glances at Niou before looking down, kicking at some loose gravel* And why's that?

Niou: Because you're upset with me - upset enough to quit - and... *straightens up again and leans against the side of the school, shoving his hands in his pockets* And I don't like it when you are.

Yagyuu: *shoulders relax a bit and he looks up, squinting at Niou in contemplation* *sighs loudly and drops his bag to the ground as he walks over and slides down the wall to sit on the dry grass* .....You kept playing your pranks.

Niou: ...I always play pranks. *sits down beside him, tilting his head back* That's never changed.

Yagyuu: You always played pranks on everyone. Then suddenly it was just me, everyday without fail. *pulls at the grass* What did you want me to think?

Niou: *shrugs* ...I don't know. *pauses* Was it really that often?

Yagyuu: I told you after that first date you dragged me to that I wanted you to stop. Usually you'd listen. *stretches his legs out in front of him* But you didn't.

Niou: *does the opposite and pulls his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them* I think I just...wanted the attention. Your attention. *smirks a bit* Even though I usually already have it.

Yagyuu: *pauses in his weeding and looks over at Niou* That makes no sense.

Niou: *grins, closing his eyes* I know it doesn't.

Yagyuu: *throws some grass at Niou* So what's the other reason?

Niou: *picks grass out of his hair and sticks his tongue out at Yagyuu* I didn't say there was another reason. Half the time I don't actually think about what I'm doing. *raises his eyebrows* Like that post yesterday.

Yagyuu: *gives Niou 'a look'* You always know exactly what you're doing. *goes back to making a small grass clump* That post bothered me. And you knew that too.

Niou: *quiet for a moment* Yeah, alright, I did. And I knew it would. *pouts a bit* Other people thought it was funny...

Yagyuu: *knocks over his mini-hill* And I got called over-dramatic for it.

Niou: I'm pretty sure most people knew it wasn't true.

Yagyuu: That's not-- *turns to face Niou* I asked you to stop and you purposely made it worse.

Niou: *winces slightly* That was just me being...stupid. *rolls eyes* As per usual.

Yagyuu: No, more than usual. Did I do something?

Niou: *looks away* No.

Niou: *sighs and bangs his head off the wall lightly* I just like teasing you.

Yagyuu: *raises an eyebrow* Niou-kun?

Niou: *opens one eyes, glancing over at him* Hm?

Yagyuu: *chews on his lip, hesitating* Why... why do you dress up as me so much? *averts his gaze immediately*

Niou: *opens both eyes, blinking* Does it bother you that I do?

Yagyuu: *shrugs* You just do it a lot. Outside of the courts.

Niou: It's fun. Messing with people's heads. *shrugs, grinning* They get so confused and have no idea what's going on. Besides. *pokes Yagyuu's shoulder* I wouldn't have gotten you out on those dates if I hadn't been the one to ask the girls.

Yagyuu: *sighs at Niou in exasperation* The ones I didn't want, you mean?

Niou: ...Eheh. Yeah. Those. *stretches his arms out in front of him* All part of my plan though, see.

Yagyuu: Your plan. Your plan for what?

Niou: Well. *fiddles with his shoelaces* To get you out on that last date.

Yagyuu: *stares at Niou silently*

Niou: *unties and reties his shoe three times*

Yagyuu: *reaches over and stops Niou mid-fourth retie*

Niou: *looks at Yagyuu out of the corner of his eye* What?

Yagyuu: It was... real?

Niou: *smirks* Thought you said you'd figured that out.

Yagyuu: Well, I -- *huffs* Stupid.

Niou: Am not.

Yagyuu: *stands up suddenly, brushing the 298374 blades of grass off his pants* You are. You're a complete idiot.

Niou: *frowns, but stays seated* And why am I an idiot now?

Yagyuu: Because you do stupid things instead of using your head. *grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder*

Niou: *scowls, ripping up a handful of grass and letting it fall through his fingers* What would have been the NOT stupid thing to do, then?

Yagyuu: To not take the difficult route maybe? *shoves his hands into his pockets*

Niou: *stares at him* What, like...you mean, ask you directly?

Yagyuu: *turns around to scuff his shoe against the sidewalk and doesn't answer*

Niou: *narrows his eyes a bit* Yagyuu. Yaaagyuu.

Yagyuu: *spins around* I'm your doubles partner, do I have to spell out everything to you?

Niou: *grins* No, I just wanted you to look at me. *pauses, grin fading a little* Would you have said yes?

Yagyuu: *shrugs and looks over at the golf club still running around cradling their once-precious golf clubs* I don't know.

Niou: *follows his line of sight and winces* I...might have gotten carried away with that one.

Yagyuu: *gives Niou a deadpan look* Might have? What did you do?

Niou: *sheepish look* I was afraid I'd lose you to them. It's like you said - you're my doubles partner.

Yagyuu: *walks and stands in front of Niou* You have a funny way of showing that you want me to stay.

Niou: *looks up at him from where he's sitting* Words didn't seem to be working. Actions speak louder and all that, etcetera etcetera. *smirks*

Yagyuu: *pulls a face* And what exactly was making me go out with the ugliest girl on campus supposed to say?

Niou: *stupidly big grin* That was just for my amusement, because that particular brand of horrified was a look I'd never seen on you before. *sticks out his tongue*

Yagyuu: *reaches out and smacks the top of Niou's head* *mutters* Idiot.

Niou: *snickers* Hehe. So. Yagyuu.

Yagyuu: *sighs* What.

Niou: We should go for ramen tomorrow.

Yagyuu: *studies Niou for a bit, face blank*

Niou: *tries for big, innocent puppy-dog eyes*

Yagyuu: That doesn't work on me. *prods Niou's head* I have to babysit my sister tomorrow.

Niou: *pouts* Che. Saturday, then. Or- *face brightens* I could help you babysit!

Yagyuu: *gets that horrified look again* No, you won't. *ducks his head and mumbles* But Saturday's fine.

Niou: What, wasn't I helpful last time?

Yagyuu: I got grounded last time because of you.

Niou: *shifty eyes* I told you, the exploding toilet was not my fault and I DEFINITELY didn't mean for it to flood half the house.

Yagyuu: Why do you even bother. *kicks at the grass* Anyway, you're not helping to babysit.

Niou: *rolls eyes* Fine, fine. Saturday it is. I guess I can wait that long. *holds out a hand* Help me up.

Yagyuu: *takes Niou's hand and pulls* Sorry for ruining your busy schedule.

Niou: *steps in close to Yagyuu once he's standing, not letting go of his hand* If it's you messing it up, I find I really don't care all that much.

Yagyuu: *blinks, sucking in a breath* ...That's a little sappy. Niou-kun. *swallows a bit nervously*

Niou: *leans in closer* I'm allowed to be sappy every once in awhile. *looks at him for a moment, then raises his eyebrows, and flicks him on the forehead* *steps away and starts putting the wig back on, completely nonchalant*

Yagyuu: *this time blinks in surprise and watches Niou for a few seconds before realizing what Niou is doing* *lurches forward and makes grabby hands at the wig* Why are you putting that back on?

Niou: *twists out of the way of Yagyuu's hands, adjusting the wig* No reason. *slips the glasses on* I left my bag in the locker room. *starts walking in the direction of the golf club* I need to go get it. You should come with me and we should take the long route, and I of course have no ulterior motive for this.

Yagyuu: *jogs to catch up* That's not the way to the locker room. *sees where they're headed and pulls on Niou's collar* You're doing something stupid again.

Niou: Stupid? Me? Never! *slows to a stop because Yagyuu's steely grip on his shirt is choking him* ...I'm only walking by them.

Yagyuu: *doesn't release the death choke while adjusting his glasses with the other hand because TALENT* That won't be necessary. Let's just go home.

Niou: *looks at Yagyuu over his shoulder* But...my bag actually IS in the locker room.

Yagyuu: *stares at Niou trying to gauge his honesty and gives up, sighing* Fine. Go by yourself.

Niou: ...Well that takes all the fun out of it.

Yagyuu: I'm not going to go through all that hassle just for you to get your bag.

Niou: But imagine what they would do if they saw TWO of you. *eyes go all starry* There would be mass chaos and it would be AMAZING.

Yagyuu: *raises his eyebrow before he starts laughing, doubling over and has to brace his arms against his legs*

Niou: *blinks, watching Yagyuu in slight surprise* *starts laughing a bit himself, too* You have to admit it would be hilarious. *grins*

Yagyuu: *punches Niou in the shoulder* Just hurry up and get your stupid bag. I'll wait.

Niou: *takes half a step in the direction of the golf club and then hesitates* ...I'll go the quicker way. *pulls the wig off* They might actually whip out a gun if I walk by them again.

Yagyuu: Nice to see that you still have working brain cells left.

Niou: *sticks his tongue out* Shut up, you. *walks back, grabbing Yagyuu's arm and tugging him along* Come on. I skipped out on half of practice today, and if Sanada's still around I need you to be my human shield.

Yagyuu: ... What? *is dragged along* Wait, this is -- I don't deserve being your stupid shield -- why should I -- let go! *flails quite a bit*

Niou: *stops abruptly, looking at Yagyuu with big, wobbly eyes* You don't want me to DIE, do you? *adjusts the glasses he still has on, probably ruining the effect*

Yagyuu: *snorts* Sanada wouldn't want 2nd degree murder on his resume. *glances at Niou* Stop looking at me like that. You're 15.

Niou: Very good of you to point that out, sometimes I forget, you know. The other day I thought I was thirty-four. *pushes the glasses up onto his head like they're sunglasses* Anyway, I doubt Sanada's actually still hanging around. And it's not like he's vice captain anymore, what can he do?

Yagyuu: Then would you go get your bag already? *points* It's almost dinnertime.

Niou: *shifts his weight from foot to foot* Actually. I don't need it. I'll just...get it tomorrow...

Yagyuu: *throws his hands up* Make up your mind.

Niou: *smacks Yagyuu's shoulder* Don't rush me! I don't need it, it can wait. Let's just get out of here before the golf nuts send a hunting team after me. You. Whatever.

Yagyuu: *flinches, then glares at Niou before turning to walk towards the school exit in case Niou changes his mind again* If I get phone calls to my house...

Niou: *hurries after him* They'd be too scared to call - never know when you might strike again. *grins, punching him in the shoulder, and follows him out*


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