Dec 09, 2008 08:51
I am nervous about the interview with the reporter today. So nervous that I caught myself double checking things through the Mayor’s Office in regards to our house. Someone this morning told me I better have my building permit handy to show the reporter. I freaked because I was with the understanding there was not a permit needed. So I called the Mayor’s Office and verified and I was right, there are no zoning laws in the county and no building permit is needed. I double checked about the outhouse as well and was told again that it is perfectly legal as long as it does not drain onto anyone else’s property or a water source. So….we are good. Just jitters I guess. I will be leaving in about 2 hours to go home and do this thing and then come back to work. I have done stories for the paper before, with my environmental group and when I worked for the Forest Service, so I am unsure why I am so nervous about this one. I guess because I know my home is not some big fancy new, perfectly decorated house like most other homes that they show in the paper. It is just a one room home but I love it so much. However, just because I adore it does not mean everyone else in this county won’t look at it and think we are nuts. But, I guess we are kinda nuts to live like this and that is why they want to do the story. But we are not like radical or anything, we are doing it for no other reason than we just simply want to. Ah….I need to stop thinking. I have never been one to care so much what people think about me, but I certainly don’t want people to get the wrong impression with this story and think we are like inbred hillbillies with low IQ’s. I mean well there was inbreeding in the family long ago, but not in the last like hundred years or so and well, we do fit the definition of “Hillbilly” but we certainly do not have low IQ’s, I mean I have a MENSA IQ! Oh well…enough rambling, it will turn out fine….really….it will!