Feb 04, 2009 22:57
I have two kittens at my house.
These are their favorite hobbies:
Trying to chew their way into the unopened bag of cat food, knocking things over, chasing each other, running down the stairs, falling down the stairs in baskets, running halfway down the stairs and then back up, clawing their way up my legs, eating my homework, playing in the litterbox, jumping on my face when I'm trying to sleep, doing what they know they're not supposed to do about 50,000 times in rapid succession right in front of me, chewing on my late great-grandmother's possessions, chewing on each other, kicking each other, getting inside of furniture I didn't even know was hollow, using the litterbox directly after I clean it, knocking over and/or tousling the piles of clean laundry, being too fast for me, getting tangled up in my sister's laundry bag, jumping into the refrigerator every time it is opened, sinking their claws into cupboards and hanging off them in a desperate plea for whatever is on the counter, dragging themselves up furniture by the claws, walking all over my keyboard, trying to attack my cursor, drinking my glasses of cranberry juice, running into walls, and considering eating bugs.
If you ever want to have children, you should try cat-sitting first.