so this is what it's like

Nov 06, 2008 17:34

for this election to finally be over.

I've already written a couple of spiels about how I feel about this, but I've been at work for 2.5 hours with 1.5 left to go, and I don't want to work on my 30-page paper due in less than 2 weeks, which I haven't started yet PER SE.


If you hadn't heard, Barack Obama is going to be our 44th president.  (President?  I can never remember when to capitalize that.)  I just Wikipedia'd him to make sure about the #44 thing, which leads me to wonder who the person was who got on Wikipedia at 11pm on Tuesday and changed his status to "President-elect."  One of my new goals in life is to be that person who is the first one to change things on Wikipedia as soon as they change in real life.  I could make an entry for myself, and it would be like a Facebook status.  "On November 6, 2008, Rachel went to Hannaford and bought a Party Sized container of hummus and some low-sugar dried pineapple.  Critics say that the proportion of both of these things within her normal diet is bordering on obscene."

Anyway.  Some people are happy about this, and some people are not.  Some people at Colby were SO HAPPY that they felt the need to go streaking.  As in running around outside with no clothes on.  (I made a conscientious decision to express my excitement in alternative ways.)  Some people were not so not excited (which is totes fine by me), and some chose to respond to this turn of events in ways that I consider disrespectful and offensive (which is not).  Let's consider some scenarios, shall we?  I love scenarios.

"Barack Obama is the Antichrist."
Response: FAIL.  Do not pass Go.  Do not collect $200.
Alternate response: I know, isn't it great?!  That's why 63 million of us heathens got together and conspired to have a field day on your righteous behind.  Hide your children!  (/end sarcasm)

"Barack Obama burns flags and won't respect the National Anthem!  I got an email about it and I saw it on Meet the Press!  zomg."
Response: Oh, that's funny!  Because my grandfather got that email too and forwarded it to me, and I spent all of 0.2 seconds deducing that just maybe because no one I knew had heard anything about it, that it might not be true.  And all of 3 minutes Googling it to find out that Obama wasn't even ON Meet the Press on the supposed day of his nefarious, anti-Patriotic declarations, and that this whole rumor started with a satirical newspaper editorial.

"Barack Obama is a Socialist."
Response: What?  No.

"I said I would move out of the country if Barack Obama were elected, and now I'm really going to do it! I'm packing my bags!  Right now!  Seriously, this sucks.  I'm out of here."
Response: Bye!

"I don't agree with Barack Obama's policies."
Response: Cool!  Let's talk about it.

I should be a D.A.R.E. officer, because I've got the ideal-last-scenario thing DOWN.  ("No thank you, I don't do drugs because they're bad for my body and my ability to maintain healthy personal relationships with other people!")

In sum:
Gratuitous personal attacks*: Obnoxious and not worth the energy
Constructive criticism and debate about relevant things: That's the G.D. Amurrrrcan way.

*I would use the term "ad hominem," but I already used it in commenting about this on Facebook, and I don't want it to be TOO obvious that I'm just using it to sound smart.  ALSO, gratuitous personal attacks are just as offensive when directed toward McCain, Palin, supporters, et. al.  Duh, people.

(I know that all of you who read this don't need to be told this because you're kind and respectful and I love you for it.  I'm just venting and, also, procrastinating.)
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