Hello all! I have been collecting TOMY pokemon figures for many years, but was never super serious about it, until about a year or so ago. I have just completed gen 1 as of today officially! Yay! It was definitely a challenge! I also collect sealed hasbro-tomy figures and the the Japanese Monster Collection figures as well. I have my two of my current collections posted on Collector's quest, feel free to check 'em out!
I will post some pictures on here too, in the near future hopefully soon!
Loose Tomy Figures:
http://www.collectorsquest.com/collection/6135/tomy-pokemon-figure-collection?page=1&show=all Sealed Hasbro Figures:
http://www.collectorsquest.com/collection/6117/sealed-tomy-hasbro-pokemon-figures?page=1&show=all Sealed Tomy/Auldey Figures:
http://www.collectorsquest.com/collection/6209/pokemon-auldey-tomy-sealed-figure-collection?page=1&show=all Here is my Wants List!
http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/16963903.html PKMNcollectors Feedback Profile
http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/mit_mat/ Interested in collecting TOMY pokemon figures? Check out this ebay guide I wrote:http://www.ebay.com/gds/Pokemon-TOMY-Figure-Buying-and-Collecting-Guide-/10000000178255482/g.html