What i be feeling....

Jan 26, 2004 23:00

With these keys that my figures fall upon r the words of life. They never fail. Words. They r more than just different letters put to together. They are more than a bunch a Tenses and Grammar put to together to make sense. Because sometimes it doesn’t make sense. And sometimes you have to be wrong to be right. I know I know. That doesn’t make any sense at all but I guess you have to read on to understand. Writing is more than just puttin these unknown letters together to make sentences. Its more. So much more. Writing is from the heart. Some where deep within that wants to come out and express itself but can’t figure out how. It is like a deep dark hole n the only light source is from ur fingers. Words have made so many things. They can get all ur anger out n one blow of the hand. They express so many parts of the human emotions. I mean they created the phrases as “I hate you!“ or “Something wicked this way comes.“ or even the most deadly, “I love you.“ Song would not exist without words. Poetry would not exist with out words. Love would not exist. Ok maybe love would exist but there would be no way to express it. Writing is something one cant practice. Just do. Its more internal than anything. Your mind, soul and heart have to be working as one to know what u r saying. And sometimes u may not know what u r saying. But that’s ok because when u do know wut u r saying, ur words be4 will mean so much more. That will be understandable now, because when u usually don’t understand how u r feeling and then u write it down it usually is your subconscious speaking. And when ur mind finally catches up with u, it all makes sense. I guess what I am trying to say is that writing is not a burden, it’s a gift given from God. A power that can make other things weak. So next time u want to win some ones heart, forgive someone for the wrong u done, or comfort the ones that are weeping, remember. The words you wright can determine your life…choose letters wisely.

Yesh well kimmy n daniel r bout to go out. I relized that i just wanted a bf n daniel was safe bet n i thought he liked me again, so i just said wth?! But he ended up not liking me and always likeing Kimmy. N i asked him y he kissed me then n he goes "Um well YOU kinda kissed ME!" What the funk! I was soooooooooo upset!!!!! Oh well. Shit happens. Life will go onnnn! N i am happy bout him n kimmy bc she is my greatest friend n i want her as happy as i was once.Bc i kno if a great cute guy walked up 2 me n said hey mel elts go out. i would. Bc its not daniel i want anymore, its the idea of him that i once had. I am just lonely thats all. But u have to remember life is a gift. U have 2 live it to ur fullest n when true love comes it comes. And it will be all worth it when it does. I watched Armageddon tonight. I think i cried morei n that than Titanic! So very sad. So sad. Well yeah. I know kimmy will love daniel more than i could right now so i wish them the best. Even though im what stopped them from goin out last time n he calls me "the mes with melissa" bastard. Prob just bc he relized i stopped them 2 n well it was good bc it made me c i cant wait in the past, so it all works out. Well i will shut up now. Night!
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