Jul 14, 2003 01:38
Omg, dawny just told me bout this guy. If u want u can go 2 her journal at woopdeedoo16 and see him! He is soo funny n cool! He smokes in the back yard. the back yard. Well today was okay. I got 2 see Dawny today and that makes my dad better anyday!! hehe. I gotta laptop...can u belive that?! Holy Shit. Thats wut i said too. Its a sony Vaio...1 week old hehe. I just watch good will hunting. I couldnt see it went it came out because mom said i was too young, and they say the "F" word every 5 seconds. But yeah, that was a FUCKING AWESOME MOVIE!!! hehehe. I saw "leages of extroidary men" other day. (which i think is wrong bc they have a woman in there but she is a vampire so does that really count. I think it should be called, "leages of extrodianry men and the vampire lol) but thats just me. But it was aight movie. Omg on the way back from droppin daniel off me n mom got stuck behind a train... n i told her bout all the "alcholic beverges" i ever had. She was shocked but laughed. I told her id never soke though. Its not my thing to get wrinkls yet...hehe. We had lot of fun. We listened to rap music n jammed hehe. O by the way (n case ur pondering...) i had a strawberry cooler(very good), corona(eh), rum n sprite (heartburn,NEVER again)n a hurricane (tastes like coolaid with after-tast) hehe. I read "The Notebook" (1 of my school books). It was sooooo good. I cried 4eva!!!! lol. Very beautiful story. Well im out! Till next time....
Love u! Mel