how old do you wish you were? 20 is good.
where were you when 9/11 happened? wandering the halls, skipping class. i believe i went into a bio room to where they had the news on when i heard about the commotion
what do you do when a vending machine steals your money? *sigh*
do you consider yourself kind? sometimes. depends on my mood. sometimes i surprise myself with my venom.
if you had a tattoo what part of your body would you get it on? if i did get one, it's be on my upper back, between my shoulder blades. and it would be of Jörmungandr as an ouroboros.
if you could be fluent in any other language what would it be? Russian, Icelandic, French
do you know your neighbours? not at all. im pretty sure they hate me after that party though...
what do you consider a vacation? if i have time to think to myself "Hey! I'm relaxed!" then its a vacation.
do you follow your horoscope? no, not really. i am a pretty stereotypical Aries though
would you move for the person you loved? ya i suppose i would. i'd go crazy staying in the same place though :(
are you touchy feely? not overly. it takes a good deal of trust and stuff for me to feel totally comfortable with "snuggling". I do like hugs though
do you believe that opposities attract? sometimes. i tend to witness sameness attracting more though
dream job? stage manager
favourite channel? spike? i dunno. i torrent my tv
favourite place to go on weekends? out to a bar or concert
paint your nails? hardly ever.
do you trust people easily? not really. i tend to trust people to a certain point before it hits a wall. and that can be a tough wall to crack.
what are your phobias? spiders. heights. being restrained.
do you want kids? i do. and more than one.
do you keep a hand-written jounral? since i was 9. and i write almost daily. i have crates of filled diaries :p
where would you rather be right now? i'm not sure. i'm seem to be feeling kind of muddled and displaced no matter where i go at the moment. I can't really think of that "place to be"
heavy or light sleep? it can go either way. ranging from nothing-will-ever-wake-me-for-twenty-hours to total insomniac
are you paranoid? well, i'm a hypochondriac if that counts
are you impatient? again. it can go either way. sometimes nothing happens fast enough, sometimes i feel like i could wait forever.
how do you feel about interracial couples? love is love.
have you been burned by love? i've been burned fairly badly by the whole relationship-datey experience thing, yes. :(
life motto? experience is everthing, thus nothing one does is without value.
what were you doing at midnight last night? playing the Sims 2
whose bed did you sleep in last night? my comfy one at home
what colour shirt are you wearing? my Smashing Pumpkins Zero shirt
most recent movie that you watched? i just wastched some crazy Chinese Vampire movie
name 3 things that you have on you at all times? wallet, book to scribble/write in, cigs
what's the colour of your bedsheets? blue with snowflakes (still got the winter flannels on the bed) ^__^
how much cash do you have on you right now? about $100 of my birthday money
what is your favourite part of the chicken? um..
what's your favourite town/city? hard to say. I love Edinburgh, Montreal, Peterborough and Toronto. I was also really fond of San Fransico.
i can't wait to/til.... i go to NYC on friday!
when was the last time you saw your parents? i last saw mom and fd last night. i last saw my father, i guess, a year and a half ago?
when was the last time you talked to them: same as above
who got you to join myspace? i'm not aware that i ever did.
what did you have for dinner last night? last night? spinch salad and potatoes. yum!