YO crew hows it goin?
Wat any interesting weekend, sadly i missed the drama dinner, sorry guys! But i went to encounter weekend which was awesome, good quality weekend, although i did awake yesterday with a TICK implanted in my belly *EW*, but Liss to the rescue, wat an ab ab absolute champion!
And last night we hit the entertainment centre to see good old Kelly Clarkson perform, i am a teenybopper and i love it! she sang so well i love that i knew all the songs..'because of you' was awesome, 'since uve been gone' was good quality, actually they were all good!
Exams next week yay! ha!
Goin to the Yr 12 graduation tonight, i should wear my running shoes to run away from the teachers argh!! but yeh exactly one yr ago that was us, how fast does time go! hmmmm and tomorrow a yr ago was our forms..... wow! miss u guys....can't wait to catch up wit u's at camp keefe!
I love Destiny's child.......
over and out :D