I'm pretty sure I'm quitting on my layout. Screw the wonky alignment, I dont care. xD
Takuya's face will distract me from it, heheheh. :D
What as I thinking, I'll never change this. My page will forever remain in springtime LOL.
Why didnt I choose more practical colors...like a blue//purple color scheme? Augh, I'm retarded. xD
Anyhow, as happy as my page may look right now, I am actually SUPER pissed. Why?
Well, I have this retarded brother who went out and bought a nice, shiny, and absolutely gorgeous GTO, but can't afford it. Now the rest of the family is stuck with the bill while that mofo runs off to the military. I hope bootcamp kicks his ass. I hope his superiors make him eat a wholeee lot of dirt. This is ridiculous. Thanks to him, my mom can no longer afford to help me get my camera before prom, my summer trip to Chicago to check out my school maybe cancelled, and going to Art Week at a local college is looking prettyyyyy slim. THESE THINGS WERE ALL PLANNED, HIS CAR WAS NOT. These things [at least the last two] are important to what I want to do in the future, his sexy little hotrod is NOT.
I don't know who I'm more angry at, my brother for being selfish or my father for cosigning... That was sooo idiotic...
Thanks to my brother, my parents are probably gonna have fucked over credit. I'm SO, SO angry.
The idiot wont even sell his computer or try to get a full-time job to help out. God forbid he spends his time making money instead of cruising around or vegetating in front of a computer screen.
Oh, I almost forgot! My dad told me that he probably wouldn't help me pay for college. He's willing to pay for this stupid boy's car, but he wont pay for me to actually try and GET SOMEWHERE in life? My brother has been out of school for nearly a year now, he hasn't done anything but work a part-time job at the local Radio Shack for the past...I dont know...MAYYYYBE 4 months? I actually want to go somewhere, I want to leave this stupid state so that maybe someday I can have a decent job. I'm so infuriated with the men in my family right now.
I guess it doesn't help that I've never really had a good relationship with my dad, and I'm not all that close to my brother.
Augh, anyway...
I'm thinking, since I've started fresh and actually have a somewhat appealing page, that I should start making icons and other goodies. C:
& I need to start by re-doing my own icon, ick. Hahaa.