Aug 24, 2006 15:32
Nothing Beats a #9 crunch wrap from Taco Bell on an afternoon of the second day of the first semester of college. I need to tell my mom what food I would like to eat after school. X_X Like green grapes. And Tacos...mmmmmm sour cream. I hope this is making people hungry. XD!! I especially like to make a purple drink at Taco Bell with the blue-green colored "Baja Blast" fountain soda along with a tinge of red Hawaiian Punch. o.O Bliss. Oh, I'm eating some Strawberry yogurt too. Bwa ha ha.
I love my college teachers. My Algebra II teacher, Mr. Watt is a funny older man. He has made the first days of the dreaded math class fun and I feel better with learning something I'm not awesome at. I like my HTML Fundamentals teacher, Mr. Worthen. I am so excited for the class too. I will finally be learning about what I have wanted to for a long time, CSS, Javascript, etc... oh, the happiness. I also have a 9:30 class at Institute with Mr. Downs. He seems like a nice teacher. o.O The class is small so far though because 9:30 is an experimental time for Institute. I love it because I can fit it right smack in the middle of my schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays. o.o It gives me a nice break. I can relax and ponder things. ^_^ My english teacher, Mrs. Fernley is like any other english teacher, but I can tell that she is going to make the class interesting. And then there is my Japanese teacher, Mrs. Freeman. She is funny. Not too exaggerated, but she can still make you smile and laugh every class period. I have a little bit of homework for this weekend, but nothing that I can't handle. All of my classes are within the time range of 8:00am to 12:50pm. It's nice. ^___^ Don't have to wake up AS early as for high school, but I still have to wake up early for driving time. Oh well. I just realized that both of my male teachers have their last names starting with W, while my two female teachers have their last names starting with F. What is up with me and always getting teachers with similar last names?? Argh. It might be hard to tell the names apart. x_X I guess I'll get used to it. Another couple of good things is that my books weren't too least for this time and age. Emily carpools with me on Tuesday and Thursday! ^__^ wheeee. That makes the day good.
I need to get ready to go to Capitol Reef this weekend...o.O It will be the first time I'm down there with my very own digital camera!!! Wooooooot!!!!!!! Yes!!! I finally get to take pictures of the place I love to go for Star Parties. Yay.
Well, until next update. Bai bai.