In ~*~3D~*~! (He didn't tell me beforehand we would be seeing it in 3D. He also forgot I would necessarily have to wear 3D glasses on top of my ordinary glasses, but it worked out well enough.)
Yeah, I liked the movie. I didn't have any complaints that I didn't already have when I read the book (that stupidly saccharine epilogue), so! In fact, I think I actually did like the movie's ending better. It was just unspeakably cheesy in written form, but on the screen, with the soundtrack and all, it... works, somehow.
... Then I fell asleep realising that my retarded idea for an Ace Attorney x Harry Potter crossover is more alive than ever. Behold, my thought process:
"Okay, Manfred would be a great Potions teacher, and I guess he could be the head of Slytherin! Ooh, and then Gregory can be the head of Gryffindor! Wait, wouldn't he work better as a Ravenclaw, though...? NO NO WAIT BYRNE IS THE HEAD OF RAVENCLAW, OHO. What about Hufflepuff? Shelly's a Hufflepuff... But no, he wouldn't really work. NO, I'VE GOT IT, BIKINI."
And then Shelly is a creepy DADA teacher and he's friendly with Thestrals and Phoenix + Larry + Maya + Edgeworth are first year students because fuck timelines.