
Feb 24, 2007 13:12

so... i wasnt due until may 27th, but the lil one decided to come early. 13 weeks early. i had him this wednesday. which just happened to be me n ryans 1 1/2 year anniv. defintly a memorable way to spend it.

he's beautiful.

his name is Tucker Maddox Hall, he was 2 lbs 2 oz and 14.5 inches long. born at 2:42 pm. and all natural too, he just came out too fast. i only went through about 5 hours of labor, started at 8:45am and i had a routine doc's appt at 10, the contractions kept getting worse as time passed, once the doc saw me and asked some questions, how far apart are they etc., he sent me to the hospital. they checked me and i was already fully dialated, and they could see membranes (mmmmmm membranes) peeking. they wanted to put off my water breaking as long as possible for his sake, but as the contractions kept coming so did the pressure and the urge to push and my body kept trying to push and i just couldnt hold it off. they were about to give me an epidural, so i could relax, and hopefully things would slow down, but nope. my water broke, and it sounded like a huge water balloon breaking and a minute later there he was.

but he's doing well. he was transferred by helicopter to the Dartmouth Hitchcock Center in Lebanon that night. and sometime that night they took him off the ventilator. he's breathing on his own without any oxygen so thats good. they'll probly take the photolamp off him today or tomorrow (its for a bit of jaundice). but everything looks good. he hasnt forgotten to breathe today (preemies do that) and his heartrate has been steady. ill be up in lebanon with him during the week and come home on the weekends. i just want to be with my lil munchkin.

its still a shocker realizing that he's already here. we didnt expect him so soon. but hes a such a love. hes so damn cute.

i put some pictures up on this aol thing. i think everyone should be able to view them. the last 3 pics are in color and you can see his cuteness better.

you might have to copy and paste. hopefully it works.

pray for him.

ok im gunna go duties call.
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