Sweet Absolution

Mar 19, 2010 21:04

I feel really badly about yesterday, especially since they did such a good job on the car, detailing it in and out, checking the alignment, filling the tires, replacing the clips that the Safelite forgot to put in for the windshield. Ignoring the whole "be a fucking human" and "suck it up, you fucked up bad" part of this, I do want to keep doing business with them and making the CSR cry and throwing accusations at them (I never once said "you guys are driving my car", I just wanted a reasonable answer for why there were miles, but that's beside the point) isn't going to help.
But that whole "being a fucking person" thing is more important.

So I'm thinking, that since they had chocolate all over the office, maybe bring in some chocolate chunk chocolate cookies for them as well as a letter of apology? Good start to apologizing?
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