The new kitten got here last thursday! he's small and grey and had olive eyes :3 he's adorable and lokes to curl up next to you when you sleep lol. So since Jen was going out of town, i got to stay in her room and look after the little fuzzball. He curled up on my pillow and wouldn't let me sleep lol. Here's some pics of him and my friends dog :
http://photobucket.com/albums/a47/Mistymixwolf/dannykitty%20AKA%20legolas/ On another note.. i've been addicted to cirque du soleils varekai for around a year now.. But i just realized.. that the tour is almost over.. 5 more cities..so.. i gotta go see it! i'm saving up the money and hopefully i'll be able to get to wherever it is that they're playing when i can get the chance to go. I really hope i can go *jumps up and down* now.. i must go eat supper :x