So Tempted..

Aug 20, 2008 01:01

I'm surfing onto Ikea Singapore's website now, looking through various designs of chairs, floor cushions and mini-sofas available.

With the budget constraint in mind, I must use that budget constraint to maximise the utility usage. In order for me to do that, I must need to come up with a graph to see how the utility usage can be maximised using my budget constraint. If I maximise my utility usage given the budget constraint, I would be a rational consumer. If I don't, I would be an irrational consumer (aka, spending things beyond your initial budget constraint...which I did sometimes... so that makes me a irrational consumer.. Hmpth!).

Okay, enough of Economics terms. I should be glad that I can still be able to understand the concept and apply this concept to my daily life usage. I mean... it's common sense, don't you think so?

Right. So what's the main objective then? It's not about Economics and myself...

It's all about my lower back pains and myself.

I've realized that I can't sit on hard chairs, chairs without a proper cushion support or worse still, on hard floors anymore longer. It would aggravate my lower back pain even further, slowing down the chances of recovery. In fact, as I'm typing this entry out, I'm actually sitting at one corner of my room, using Daddy's laptop (my laptop's charger got a problem...big time, and yet I'm still finding time to exchange my charger... This month, too packed already... argh), my butt is sitting onto a makeshift-like floor cushion, with the courtesy of grabbing the sofa cushion from the living room and my pillow from my bed.

How creative and interesting, yes?

So, in order to allow my back pain to recover, surfing into the Ikea Singapore's website is a good solution. Plus, it would be a value-added item, in terms of aesthetics in my bedroom.

And I don't like being confined to bed-rest. Rest and rest, and yet not much work being done again for the past 2 and 1/2 weeks ever since I got the pain. I'm too active for that kind of confinement, period.

So here are my few selections so far...

Classics (which is so 'me' by the way...)

Ikea PS  - Chair-bed cover, Broden Dark Blue ($85)

EKTORP - Lumbar Cushion, Hovby White/Black ($19)

SOLSTA OLARP - Armchair, Ransta Natural ($79)

What do ya'all think? I do think that if I select No. 2 (the lumbar cushion), I can buy two of these and then I can make it as my makeshift floor seat/cushions at home!

Or any suggestions that will not exceed my budget constraint of $100? =P

So tempted... and yet, the best of all, these selections didn't went beyond my budget constraint. Yay! =D

That's why I love Ikea...~ Everything is under...budget.


weekday post: ikea

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