(no subject)

Feb 16, 2010 12:19


You do make the best around.

I wasn't allowed to open it like I had planned. I had it all planned out to open it slowly and treasure each surprise for a few minutes and taking photos before moving on to the next but Steve ruined it by coming home for lunch so he too could dig his hands in the mystery box.
Now you have to picture all the bits (we call kitties bits, but that is another story) are crowded around. They know something is in there for them.
Everyone grabbed one and ran!

Yammy ran to the corner.

Big pounce!

AddaBEEZy claimed the chair. Numerous back leg kicking insued.

Mew claimed the couch and made his a sopping we mess. He is the one that freaks over catnip the most. He really does trip on the stuff.

Bicky claimed the rug where much flopping about like a fish out of water happened.

And Harley decided that lots of rolling about with his was the best course of action.

After a very very very long course of play that had me in stitches and the cats a wreck, they finally decided to calm down and rest for a few minutes before starting the chaos all over again.
Yammy and Beez enjoying their new bed. Now this bed is the shit. I don't know why considering it isn't even the bed I got for them. They all fight over it and you rarely ever see it empty.

Stretch time!!!!

And my favorite bed is so unpopular but that works out great for Mew. He is the lowest in the ranking and usually gets booted out of any sleeping place and because the others avoid this bed like the plague, it has become his. He is in it all the time. I am glad he finally has claimed a place of his own.

Hey, get away from me and my bed!

I haven't gotten pics of the ferrets in their bed yet (sorry!) and Cooper was in the cow bed once but quickly ran away soon as I went for the camera. Poo.

But as you can tell, this stuff IS THE SHIT!!! Thank you soooooooooo much. Yay!

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