Title: Charms Pairing: Jongkey Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Summary: Kibum likes to remember the memories connected to the charms on his bracelet. -----------------------------------------------
As mucho as I WUUVVV this... I have a question... Did Jjong leave Kibum because of them being gay..? Its really sweet! I dun like Angst so i tend not to read them but this one I just loved!!!! <3<3<3<3
Aww I'm glad you like it. <3 Jong leaving key because of them being gay? That would make Jonghyun sound like a homophobe or something. I actually hadn't thought much about it XD You can think of whatever reason about why he left, I'm good with anything. ^^
Ohhhh! KK! haha Ill just think that she threatened Jjong to stay with her because she's obsessed with him.... haha and that he left Kibum because she was going to hurt him if jjong didnt! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! ^^
oh my GOD. i was failed again to post my cmment(come on cnnction!!) first..when i read ur fic title, my inner mind said thatthis gonna be angst fic..and jajaaanggg..... it's true i'm sorry..really really sorry( for u JJongie puppysaurus.hehehe) i just wanna throw u out of the window with sekyung and burned both of u..and slapped ur cheeks....for hurting my BUMMIE..HOW DARE U!!!
hahaha..i was nagging again??? yes yes.. thanks for sharing dear^^
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Thanks for reading!! <3
It hurts too much. TT^TT
Did Jjong leave Kibum because of them being gay..?
Its really sweet! I dun like Angst so i tend not to read them but this one I just loved!!!! <3<3<3<3
Jong leaving key because of them being gay? That would make Jonghyun sound like a homophobe or something. I actually hadn't thought much about it XD You can think of whatever reason about why he left, I'm good with anything. ^^
I dunno.....
first..when i read ur fic title, my inner mind said thatthis gonna be angst fic..and jajaaanggg..... it's true
i'm sorry..really really sorry( for u JJongie puppysaurus.hehehe)
i just wanna throw u out of the window with sekyung and burned both of u..and slapped ur cheeks....for hurting my BUMMIE..HOW DARE U!!!
hahaha..i was nagging again??? yes yes..
thanks for sharing dear^^
Hahaha, oh you must be Kibum's wife or something. I won't disturb you then XD
haha nagging is good. stress reliever.
thanks for reading <33
but now, i see JONGKEY pairing on my tweet..hahahahaa...YES
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