Happy birthday,
obstinate_fate !
Alright. So. Summerfest last night was pretty damn awesome. The Offspring were playing, and really, after last year there's no way I was going to turn that down. Rachel had an extra ticket and offered to take me as a birthday present :D So, her mom drove us, along with Jorge, and off we went to meet up with Ellie.
On the way to the show, we found this bit of awesome:
So, we got there around 4:30, since if I've learned anything in my Summerfest-going-time, it's that you always get to shows early, otherwise you won't get good seats. Yes, even if the show starts at 10. You just do. It's common sense.
(I'm just going to take this time to rant about how stupid it is to even have seats for shows like this. Seriously, I know I ranted about this last year, but putting bleachers in front of the stages don't make things more 'family friendly'. It just makes it impossible to find your way back to your spot if you got thirsty and needed to leave for a bit, because the goddamn moshers are swarming around the bleachers. And it pisses off the people who want to dance with their friends, since there isn't room for them on the narrow metal bleachers so they end up just not coming in the first place because they don't feel like it's worth it, Colleen.)
So, the first people to talk to us at the fest are these random touchy-feely drunk guys with sequined cowboy hats. They were...amusing, to say the least. Not only did they incessantly hit on Ellie, they also assumed that the rest of us were, like, fourteen, and didn't believe us when we said we were older. Not even when Rachel showed them her ID. (One of the guys tried to pocket it before I put his arm in a twist to get it back. That was great. Really) And when Rachel and Jorge left to get food, they tried to hit on me, too, and didn't seem to care that much when I shoved them away. We tried telling them that I was gay (which is, yanno, half true) to get them to leave me alone, but that didn't really work, either. They left when Ellie did, though.
Only to be replaced by this group of people that just would not budge over, even though we were there first and kind of needed the space, since we were anticipating the arrival of Shaggy, Taylor, Cassidy, and Colleen. Hell, we barely had enough room for the four of us D< (Okay, so, it wasn't actually a problem, seeing as I already mentioned that Colleen didn't come, Shaggy found his own spot somewhere else, and we made Taylor and Cassidy find their own spots. But still.)
Ellie made friends with the guy next to us, Adam. Enough said on that xD
We spent some time until the show started playing 'Marry, Fuck or Die', a game that Jorge taught us that they apparently play in stage crew, and that was pretty amusing. Jorge will, apparently, resort to bestiality before being paired with a guy, so I felt great pleasure from only giving him men to choose from >D I also had my camera, so I took a crapload of random shots of all of us.
On the subject of music! All right, so, we had the Barbeez, who were, essentially, a cover band trying way too hard to emulate David Bowie. Who were alright, I guess, and played some good shit, and caused Ellie to remark that I knew way too much '70s music (which at the time totally wasn't '70s, alright, because Been Caught Stealing came out in '90, thank you very much). But I was pissed when they only played through one verse of Smells Like Teen Spirit (because, seriously, finish the damn song!), but Enter Sandman kind of made up for it. Kind of. A little bit. Yeah.
I don't remember much about the band after them, not even their name. Sadness.
The Offspring...they were better last year, I think. They were good, no doubt about that, but...I dunno. The concert just wasn't as good as last time. I still had fun, though :D
And yes, afterward I may have been coming off of an adrenaline high (the 7 warheads can't have helped), and I may have had an issue with talking. I may have been talking faster than the 10th Doctor when he gets excited, and I may have not needed to breath. This might have happened, and Jorge might have been counting the seconds that I could stay silent without babbling about whatever I happened to be on my mind.
But really. Who can prove that?
And now, those random pictures I mentioned. Awesome, I know. I think Jorge's hat became a person in itself.
The stage
Ellie (and one of the drunk guys)
Rachel and I
Me and Ellie
Jorge (trying to be cool xD)
Me 'n the hat
And finally, the obligatory shoe shot :D
Also, I started doodling this design on my stool, before realizing that the finish I used on the wood when I made the damn thing may not repel sharpie, but it definitely doesn't like artist markers. It wants to smear. Gah.