Jul 20, 2009 13:45
Yesterday was Marathon Day. I've heard some people describe it being like Color Wars, so it's basically where we have two teams, a green team and a buff team, and we do tons of competitons and stuff. It's usually pretty fun. I was on green, like I mentioned a few days ago, which was pretty cool, since I actually had green clothing to wear, since you have to dress in your team colors. People can get really into it. Like, Izzy Weiss always does full body paint in her team color, and she's still really green today xD
So, the teams were the Buff Bananas and the Green Circus (we were originally the Green Men, but we switched while writing the song). Our song was really good; we rewrote lyrics to Britney Spears' song "Circus", and it turned out really well. We didn't win, but that was all right. What really pissed me off was that we didn't win banner. Maybe it's just because I was on the committee, and I did a lot of the work on it, but I think it was way better than the buff team's banner. Ours was a circus tent, with clowns and trapeze artists and lions and elephants (I finger painted that to make the shading work, and it looks really really good) and ringleaders, and we even mixed up a few different batches of skin colors in order to make it look like there was a crowd in the tent. On one side we had a ticket booth, and the other was a girl holding balloons and floating. Buff's was...well, a banana. They used all the yellow paint for it (which sucks because yellow is kinda a useful color, yanno?), and it had a few parts, with a peel that you could peel back to see the inside of the banana. But I'm convinced that they took that idea from me, because when I walked into the room with our group, they were in there, and they heard me say, "Hey, why don't we have the tent have flaps that we can hold back with string so that they can see everything in the tent?" I got shot down on that, but then they did the peel thing and I think they may have gotten the idea from me. Just sayin'.
I played soccer for the team sports, and it took so long to get everybody to clear the field that we had one goal scored against us at halftime, and when we went to start the second half, about a minute in they said the time was up for the game! We didn't even get to finish, and they won because of it >:( We won badmiton, volleyball, softball, and basketball, though. I think they won trampball.
For the marathon bit, I kayaked. It wasn't hard, since I'm really good at kayaking, but I was sore all day from the Staff vs. Campers dodgeball tourney (it hurts your arms if you don't throw right), and there was something else, too. Katie felt that the course was too short and shallow to make it any good, so she said we had to go out to the first marker, go around (so far this is normal), then go to the second, which is like, 50 yards farther, around that, and then come in. It didn't look too hard at first, but I used all my strength to go fast around the first half, and then when I had to come back I was getting tired from paddling so hard xD It was still fun, though, except for the baton shoved down my lifejacket that wouldn't stay there xDD Somehow, at archery we got majorly set back, and ended up losing the race. The marathon is the final event, and the score was Buff: 175, Green: 165. BUT, they hadn't given out the spirit/sportsmanship points yet, and guess what? That was ten points, and we got them! Which led to the first ever tiebreaker. We've been doing this for over fourty years, and this was the first year we ever tied. Hells yes xD And the tiebreaker? Unfortunately, it wasn't watermelon, or who could stay on the hot dog the longest, but archery. And guess what again?
Tanele turns out to be amazing at archery, despite the fact that she's never really done it before. So...the green team won Marathon Day! For the first time in like...five years, I think! It was awesome! *happydances*
Just for the record, today I finally had full staff for my sports hour, and we played dodgeball. Then, circle dodgeball, where you're in a circle and dodge the outside people throwing balls. And then? I mangaged to convince the others to play revenge, and I owned. xD Ooh, and we had BLTs for lunch! They were really nummy :D
And that picture that I mentioned that I was doing? Ok, well, I added Malia to it, she's totally drawn except for her face, as is Matt, and then I'm working on Seth right now. It's really good, I think. I'll post it as soon as I have scanner access/finish it. I can't decide if I should color it or not, though...