happy valentines day, livejournal.
today i took my parents to the sha lin noodle house with
reluctance and
iamtravish... it was amusing seeing rowan interacting with my parents, especially my dad.
my dad is a gadget fiend, he always has a cellphone, his palm pilot, a seperate palm pilot for a GPS unit and a pzizz unit which is a little "power napping" machine which basically plays audio which helps you have a nap for a specified ammount of time.
anyway, he has a new toy now, which is so fun... a toshiba tablet PC laptop. i played with it a bit last night at dinner, it's sooo so fun to draw with. my hand eye co-ordination is off with my little wacom graphics tablet, but not with this! you draw right onto the monitor and the tactile feedback is such that it feels just like drawing with a pencil (or whatever other media you choose).
despite all this i am really sour and grumpy today.
however, my apartment is clean... i will post pictures of it soon.