Mar 28, 2007 08:18
Fucking pittens.
Thats what I work for. This weeks balance: $380
Like WTF?
-___- Waiting for dad to call so I can arrange something.
Had a 3.5hr yesterday which is fine...I wonder in and my manager gives me the task of doing the olive section like I did last week cause i did so well. Well ok then...I didnt have a problem with that. What I did have a problem with was the fact that customers kept coming in like flies. Not like on a Sat. when they come in like herds. Pffft... So while I'm doing Olives (changing and refilling tubs) I'm serving at the same time as well as taking care of the chickens at variouse points, putting them on and taking them off and what not.
My manager comes back from her meet and I tell her that thats all I've managed to get done.
"Been busy has it"
"Hell yeah"
I go about my task and serving at the same time. She knocks off for lunch And I'm only half way through the section now. So I'm left alone in the deli along with Laura who's STILL fiddling with the island cases. Thats taken her 2 hrs??? Customers... chickens... trying to do the olives.... Manager comes back from lunch and See's that I'm still on the olives, but I'm just finishing off the last lil bit of it and she's like...
"Thats taken you 3 hrs to do Jennifer, You really need to be alot quicker than that... should only take you half an hr to do."
She forgets that last week she and laura were helping to serve while I focused entirely on the olives. But what could I say in my defence... I had to stand there and take the put down. FUCKING COW.... I just wanted to cry... I worked my hardest those last 3 hrs or so and all she can say is I'm too slow...
....I swear... it happens again I'm packin it in and finding other work. I fucking hate her... the dirty fuckin cow...
I try to get along with everyone in this deli... I try to.
I just hope no one calls on my till Sat. I'd tell 'em to go get fucked.
In anycase.. going to go check out the new ShinTokyo store and perhaps grab a manga -___-
I need more fucking money. Got more being on the fuckin dole!!!!