I saw "Seven Pounds"

Dec 20, 2008 03:07

Seven Pounds with Will Smith was such a good movie - i highly recomend it!

Warning though - My children were bored during it. It's a movie with a deap story line and deap charactors and if you have a hard time getting that involved with something, then you'll prolly be bored, too. They play it off as it's some sort of mystery or something, but the very first scene of the movie eliminates any secrets the movie may have.

It's been a long time (If ever) though, that i've felt so close to a set of charactors that I laughed with them, and cried for them, and felt haunted by their story - even though I didn't relate to their story in any way, and had never experienced anything even remotely similar... The emotions I felt were all for them, and I think that's an incredible achievement for a movie to pull off.

I'm very much looking foreward to seeing Valkyrie - Count Von Staufenburg is a family relative of mine (Not close, but definitely in the Stauffer tree!) and i'm excited to see the movie for that reason - gonna go on Christmas day when it opens. MGM took it out of the oscar running, and that worries me - don't they think it's good enough? Plus - you know, the nut job is starring in it. LOL

movies, seven pounds, valkyrie

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