IC: Rebekah - Master Seeking Second Try

Jun 17, 2005 00:48

Session Start: Thu Jun 16 18:45:26 2005
Session Ident: #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:45] * Now talking in #Cradle-of-Dreams
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[18:45] * Rebekah has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:46] [Clarence-Jones] [narrate where you are and what you're doing in here, and I'll do the same with my ST stuff]
[18:47] * Rebekah wanders into the study after asking around as to who is the head of the chantry or whatnot
[18:47] * Clarence-Jones looks up from a computer screen, "Yo."
[18:48] [Rebekah] Hiya. Um, got a question for you...
[18:48] * Rebekah lingers in the doorway for a moment before actually walking into the study
[18:48] [Clarence-Jones] oh, feel free. C'mon in
[18:49] [Clarence-Jones] [if I disappear... then it's a power outage. The lights just flickered]
[18:49] [Clarence-Jones] what's up?
[18:49] * Rebekah smiles and heads over to the computer, "I was wondering if I could possibly...hmm...how to put this...I want to talk to one of the Helekar before Saturday. Not Chris...the other one."
[18:49] * Clarence-Jones furrows his brow
[18:50] [Clarence-Jones] hmm... well, I'm thinking that the others -- ya know, Chelsea, Nico, all the other big important folk -- would want to talk about that... why do you want to wake him up?
[18:51] [Rebekah] I'm rather certain they'll tell me no. Um, did you notice he was wearing a priest's cassock?
[18:52] [Clarence-Jones] I didn't really get a close look at him... since I wasn't there for the battle, and Hunter's the one that got them set up to be kept sedated until the trial.
[18:53] [Rebekah] He's wearing a priest's cassock. As in, a Catholic priest. Now, I don't know if he still believes in the faith whose vestments he wears, but...
[18:53] [Clarence-Jones] but... I wouldn't doubt it. From what I heard, the Helekar were kind of a rogue's gallery.
[18:53] * Rebekah pauses for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face
[18:54] [Rebekah] But if he *is* a priest or former priest...essentially, I would like to speak to him before Saturday because I know I won't get a chance to speak one-on-one to him then.
[18:55] * Clarence-Jones nods
[18:55] [Rebekah] I'm willing to take whatever precautions you'd like me to take. But I really would like to speak to him if at all possible.
[18:56] [Clarence-Jones] hmm... well, I know I can ward the place, and generally shut down some of what he would throw up. Do you feel like you can keep him from doing anything stupid?
[18:57] [Rebekah] I could knock him out if I had to.
[18:57] [Rebekah] We call it the "Vulcan Neck Pinch," but it's just essentially releasing all the seratonin in his body. Drops 'em like a rock.
[18:58] [Clarence-Jones] heh... well, as long as you feel confident that doing this wont end up with him running off or something. I *really* don't want that many angry mages breathing down my neck.
[18:58] [Rebekah] He did give his word he'd stand for trial.
[18:59] [Rebekah] If he tries to flee, I will do everything in my power - up to and including dying, if necessary - to keep him from doing so.
[18:59] * Clarence-Jones nods
[18:59] [Clarence-Jones] you're that serious about this?
[18:59] * Rebekah nods slowly
[18:59] [Rebekah] Yep.
[19:01] [Clarence-Jones] hmm...
[19:01] * Clarence-Jones looks thoughtful for a moment
[19:03] * Clarence-Jones ST: you see a spirit nearby in the form of a shadowy bird hop over toward Clarence, and he seems to be having some sort of conversation with it
[19:04] * Clarence-Jones ST: after a few moments, Clarence nods, and pushes his chair out from the desk, and gets up
[19:04] *Mina-Versein* damn computer
[19:04] [Clarence-Jones] no sense arguing with the bird... it'd just make me do this, anyway.
[19:05] * Rebekah gets a curious look on her face
[19:05] [Rebekah] Eh?
[19:06] [Clarence-Jones] the bird. *points at the spirit*
[19:06] [Clarence-Jones] it... well, lets say that when I dont listen... it has a tendency to get rather angsty rather quickly. Oh, you never got this explained to you... it's my avatar.
[19:06] [Rebekah] Yeah, I see.
[19:07] * Rebekah blinks, both brows rising as she stares at the bird
[19:07] [Rebekah] Ah. Okay.
[19:07] * Rebekah seems to be doing her level best to accept this concept
[19:07] [Clarence-Jones] anyway, yeah... it's saying that mercy is the path to transcendence, and that the light harmonizes with the darkness, or something else. I'm guessing you're the one doing the harmonizing.
[19:08] [Clarence-Jones] and I get this feeling that I have the choice of helping you, or helping you. So... *smiles* lets go do this thing, huh?
[19:09] * Rebekah gives the bird a look...along the lines of 'don't agree with you, mister, but I'll go along for now'
[19:09] [Rebekah] Sure thing. Lets.
[19:09] * Rebekah smiles
[19:10] * Clarence-Jones walks with you to the basement door, and pulls out a key. He inserts it into an old lock in the door, and you see a Correspondence ward withdraw from around the basement.
[19:11] * Rebekah follows Clarence and watches
[19:11] * Clarence-Jones opens up the door, and pulls an old rope to click on a light in the basement
[19:12] [Clarence-Jones] here we go... *walks down the stairs into the basement*
[19:13] * Rebekah follows him down the stairs
[19:13] * Clarence-Jones ST: the basement is somewhat furnished. Not like the rest of the house, though. It has a concrete floor and seems unfinished, but it has decently comfortable furniture that has been pushed aside to accomodate two hospital beds. On the beds are two people, hooked up to IV bags.
[19:15] * Rebekah looks around carefully, seeming to take in every little detail
[19:16] * Clarence-Jones ST: the two men are very different. One you recognize as Chris, Mina's ex and the father of Mina's daughter, Avalina. The other is covered in a hospital blanket, but his head is still visible. His stature seems a bit plump and overweight, and his facial features show strong french heritage,
[19:18] * Clarence-Jones ST: you see the two men breathing slowly, and in the background you hear the steady beep of a heart monitor. You see the ECG in the background, displaying a very steady QRS curve, completely normal for a healthy human being who is sound asleep.
[19:18] * Rebekah looks between the two, glancing at the ECG and then looking over at Clarence in question
[19:18] [Clarence-Jones] oh, they're being kept sedated until the trial. It was Hunter's idea.
[19:19] [Rebekah] Ah. Well, in Chris's case, I can't really argue. He doesn't seem to keep his word very well.
[19:19] * Clarence-Jones nods
[19:19] [Clarence-Jones] I couldn't really say, I never met him. I'll take your word for it, though.
[19:20] [Clarence-Jones] if you wanna wake the other guy up, though, you're gonna have to pull the IV out and wait... or you might be able to wake him up with magic, I'd guess.
[19:20] [Rebekah] No, too dangerous, really.
[19:21] *Mina-Versein* you know, if it ends up becoming a reverse conversion I'll have to laugh
[19:21] [Clarence-Jones] I'm going to head upstairs for a second, and put the wards back up.
[19:21] * Rebekah shrugs to herself for a moment and then reaches over and pulls out the IV
[19:21] [Rebekah] Oh, should I wait until you're done?
[19:21] * Rebekah pauses for a moment
[19:21] [Clarence-Jones] you can go ahead. It's only going to take a second.
[19:21] [Rebekah] okay
[19:21] * Rebekah goes through it
[19:21] * Clarence-Jones walks upstairs, and as you hear a key turn and a lock click shut, you feel the wards around the room come back up
[19:22] * Rebekah pulls out the IV and waits
[19:22] * Clarence-Jones ST: you disconnect the IV and set it aside, stopping the drip of anesthetic into his body
[19:36] * Rebekah crosses her arms as she waits and after a moment she closes her eyes and whispers very quietly, "Lord, you've said you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a strong mind. Help me have that strong mind now. Father, I plead the protection of Your power over me from the top of my head to my toes. There is no limit to Your power and I trust You."
[19:38] * Clarence-Jones ST: you feel the divine presence descend over you, and you know in your heart that your mind is made now into an unassailable barrier from those who would deceive you
[19:39] * Clarence-Jones is now known as SC-ARST-MA
[19:39] * Rebekah opens her eyes, and takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly
[19:41] * SC-ARST-MA ST: it's a man, somewhat overweight, in his 40s. You see this his hair is streaked with grey, but his face is set into a stern countenance, like a man ready to judge
[19:42] * Rebekah waits quietly, watching and praying
[19:45] * SC-ARST-MA ST: after a time, you see that the man begins to wake up. The first words you hear from him are a groan, and then, 'mon dieu... *off into French gibberish*'
[19:45] * SC-ARST-MA is now known as Jean-Claude-Cherise-d
[19:46] * Jean-Claude-Cherise-d is now known as Jean-Claude
[19:46] * Rebekah tilts her head to one side and tries very hard to understand what he's saying, an intently thoughtful look on her face
[19:49] * Jean-Claude continues to speak in French, although you can pick up little bits from knowing Spanish. You catch words that sound like "sleep" and "where am I?" and other things in the same vein
[19:49] [Rebekah] You're in Ruston. In Louisiana...
[19:49] * Rebekah asks him, in Spanish, if he speaks Spanish
[19:50] [Jean-Claude] [Spanish, but a bit *off* from modern Spanish] Yes, I speak this language. Your dialect is strange to me. Where am I, and what have you done to me?
[19:51] [Rebekah] [Also in Spanish] I haven't done anything to you. You're in the city of Ruston. It is in Louisiana, in America.
[19:51] * Rebekah is (for the record) wearing a silver cross suspended on an unusually long chain
[19:52] [Jean-Claude] [lets assume Spanish from now on]
[19:52] [Jean-Claude] What is this location you speak of? Louisiana?
[19:53] [Rebekah] Have you heard of New Orleans?
[19:54] [Jean-Claude] I have heard of Orleans [pronounced or-lay-on]
[19:55] [Rebekah] You have been gone from this world for a long while, then?
[19:56] [Jean-Claude] I have been where I have been... I do not know of which world you speak.
[19:57] * Jean-Claude looks at you intently
[19:57] [Jean-Claude] who are you?
[19:57] [Rebekah] The earth. France. Germany. Europe. The Holy Land....
[19:57] [Rebekah] My name is Rebekah.
[19:57] * Jean-Claude nods
[19:58] [Rebekah] Do you remember what year you left?
[19:58] [Jean-Claude] I have been gone from the world of firmament for some time, existant in the spheres, walking with Gods and Monsters...
[19:58] * Rebekah nods, watching him carefully
[19:59] [Rebekah] It is the Year of our Lord two thousand and five.
[19:59] [Jean-Claude] I left in the year of our lord, fifteen hundred and thirteen [okay, and because I'm going way back in history, forgive any inaccuracies]
[19:59] [Jean-Claude] *Lord
[20:00] [Jean-Claude] to undertake my quest of faith, and seek out the great dangers, the corruptors in the Darkness Beyond.
[20:00] [Rebekah] And what did you find?
[20:00] [Jean-Claude] I found darkness, and death, and despair. I found it and brought it before our Lord to judge.
[20:01] [Rebekah] Why did you follow Voormas, then?
[20:01] [Jean-Claude] the Harvester led me down the path of righteousness, and brought a light into the darkness, with which to purge it from the world.
[20:02] [Rebekah] He lied.
[20:02] [Jean-Claude] he led us to follow, to reap from the corruptors the lies that they sowed.
[20:02] [Jean-Claude] he lied to us not.
[20:02] * Rebekah doesn't sound angry, just quietly certain
[20:02] [Rebekah] Are you so sure?
[20:02] [Rebekah] What of mercy?
[20:02] [Jean-Claude] because the Lord does not lead one astray. Faith as my shield, I set amid the darkness.
[20:03] [Jean-Claude] and He protected me.
[20:03] [Rebekah] I have no doubt that the Lord has protected you. Your very existence is proof of that.
[20:03] [Rebekah] But I do know that Voormas is no servant of the Most High.
[20:03] [Jean-Claude] I showed those mercy who asked for it... but even the Lord does not forgive those who do not ask for it.
[20:03] [Rebekah] Though he may appear to be at times, and even say the right words. The fruits of his actions cry out against him.
[20:04] [Jean-Claude] the fruits of his actions proved to us his transcendant wisdom and faith in the right path. he led us against the darkness without fail, even enacting plans to end the darkness forever.
[20:04] [Jean-Claude] he brought to us....
[20:05] [Rebekah] He killed many people.
[20:05] [Jean-Claude] may I have something to drink? I am most parched.
[20:05] [Rebekah] He tortured many more.
[20:05] [Rebekah] Of course...
[20:05] * Rebekah glances around to see if there's any water
[20:05] [Jean-Claude] [there's a sink downstairs. You see a few cups next to it.]
[20:05] * Rebekah walks over to the sink and fills one ofthe cups with water
[20:06] [Jean-Claude] he has killed those who sought not redemption... he has never harmed those who did not deserve it, who did not stubbornly refuse to turn from the darkness.
[20:07] * Rebekah smiles a bit as she carries the water back to him
[20:07] [Jean-Claude] and often, the end of a greater evil demanded the harsh treatment of a lesser evil. Information is an important asset, and it is not always easily extracted. I did not relish this task, it pained my heart to see it... but I knew it was necessary.
[20:07] [Rebekah] I suppose that I deserved what happend to me.
[20:08] [Jean-Claude] I do not know of what happened to you...
[20:08] [Rebekah] I went to hell.
[20:08] * Jean-Claude takes the water and drinks it quickly, obviously parched
[20:08] * Rebekah watches calmly
[20:09] [Rebekah] What did you say your name was again?
[20:09] [Jean-Claude] what manner of material is this..? *looks at the plastic cup*
[20:09] [Jean-Claude] I am Jea-Claude Cherise d'Burgundy
[20:09] [Jean-Claude] *Jean
[20:10] [Rebekah] That's plastic. Hmm. Rebekah Grey. Not as fancy as your name, I suppose.
[20:10] [Rebekah] Well, Jean-Claude, what was done to those people was still wrong. Even if you believe that the ends justified the means.
[20:12] [Jean-Claude] I believe, in my experience, that you were wrong. As crusaders for the Lord, guided by his Hand, our actions must have been right. Were we to stray, our resolve would turn to sand, and our hearts would grow weak and falter.
[20:12] [Jean-Claude] His Light filled us, and kept us walking the right path.
[20:12] * Rebekah shakes her head slowly, glancing at her hands for a moment and then back at him
[20:13] [Rebekah] Do you think that Jesus loves the Muslims any less than he loves you?
[20:13] [Rebekah] Do you think that Jesus loves the Jews any less than He loves you?
[20:14] [Jean-Claude] Jesus loves all in kind, but as they turn from RIghteousness, so too do they demand guidance to find the True Path
[20:14] [Rebekah] Jesus stands at the crossroads, holding out His hands. But it is *our* choice to take them, and no one has the right to force such a choice on penalty of death.
[20:15] [Rebekah] You know, the Crusades are now considered one of the darkest periods in Christian history. Because of the Crusades, the entire Middle East hates us. Those of the West - Europe and America. Their hearts are hardened towards the Message because they associate it with death and rape and pillage.
[20:16] [Jean-Claude] then they still listen not to our message, and judge us by the least of us. Were they to listen to their hearts, they would see that His way is the only path to salvation.
[20:17] [Rebekah] They cannot see the Message, Jean-Claude, if they can't see Jesus.
[20:17] [Rebekah] Part of following Christ is doing what He would do, don't you agree?
[20:18] [Jean-Claude] I do. We must emulate the Lord in all our actions. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
[20:18] [Rebekah] Would Jesus kill a Muslim because that Muslim doesn't believe Jesus is the Christ?
[20:18] [Rebekah] Would Jesus kidnap a tiny baby from its mother, age it unnaturally, and then try to use it to end the cycle of the world?
[20:19] [Jean-Claude] Jesus would show the non-believer the way, would open his eyes with his Divine power. I do not have that divine power, but I do what I must do to bring his message to the Heathens.
[20:19] [Jean-Claude] you understand us not.
[20:19] [Rebekah] You're right. I don't.
[20:19] * Rebekah shakes her head, looking very sad
[20:19] [Rebekah] I can't understand people who would do the things that have been done to my dear friend.
[20:19] [Jean-Claude] the child you speak of stayed with us willingly, was given a home, was shown the path of love and of mercy and of light.
[20:20] [Rebekah] She was a baby.
[20:20] [Rebekah] She did not have the mental capacity to agree. And her mother wept every day because of what you did.
[20:20] [Jean-Claude] her mother agreed to carry the child, knowing what would come of it.
[20:20] [Jean-Claude] she asked for all that was done, to be done.
[20:21] [Rebekah] Considering how confused Mina was, I don't think she really understood what she was agreeing to. And I know she tried to stop you when you came to take the baby.
[20:21] * Jean-Claude smiles
[20:22] [Jean-Claude] you are confused... and I am sorry for that. All that was done was done with the blessing of our dear sister Mina.
[20:22] [Rebekah] That isn't what she told me.
[20:22] [Rebekah] And I know she wasn't lying.
[20:23] [Jean-Claude] then look into her heart, and ask again. For now, I will pray that you come to see the light.
[20:23] [Rebekah] But I already have seen the light.
[20:23] [Rebekah] He lives in me.
[20:23] * Jean-Claude begins to pray the Lord's prayer in Latin
[20:24] * Rebekah does not interrupt, but just watches and prays silently
[20:27] * Jean-Claude after he is done praying, you see him start to pat his pockets and look for something
[20:27] [Rebekah] What are you looking for?
[20:27] [Jean-Claude] my prayer beads. They are missing.
[20:27] [Jean-Claude] [rosary, pardon]
[20:28] [Rebekah] Ah. I'm sorry, I don't have one to give to you.
[20:28] [Rebekah] But you don't really need beads to pray.
[20:28] [Jean-Claude] hmm... do you not keep a rosary with you that you might pray to our Lord?
[20:28] [Rebekah] I don't need one.
[20:28] * Rebekah smiles and shrugs
[20:29] [Rebekah] The Lord hears my prayers no matter where I am or what I am doing.
[20:29] [Rebekah] And, well, while I am a Christian, I am not Catholic.
[20:30] * Jean-Claude looks at your cross
[20:30] * Jean-Claude nods, and mutters something to himself in Latin
[20:30] * Rebekah cants her head to one side
[20:30] [Rebekah] what was that?
[20:32] [Jean-Claude] I must have been groggy from my sleep... I did not see that you were not among the Faithful.
[20:33] * Rebekah seems ever so slightly amused
[20:34] [Rebekah] But I am. I believe Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God, who died but rose from the dead on the third day and sits at the right hand of the Father even now.
[20:34] [Rebekah] And it is His path that I follow with every fiber of my being, no matter the cost.
[20:34] [Rebekah] He is my Lord and my Savior and I am nothing without Him.
[20:37] * Jean-Claude nods
[20:38] [Jean-Claude] but in the end, you sought salvation outside the church, you denied the eucharist, and you committed other heresies against the True Doctrine that led to your falling from the True Path...
[20:38] * Rebekah shakes her head at him
[20:39] [Rebekah] Oh, Jean-Claude...have you forgotten what Paul said?
[20:39] [Rebekah] That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
[20:39] [Rebekah] For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and our saved.
[20:40] [Rebekah] Romans chapter 10 verses nine and ten.
[20:41] [Rebekah] Do you remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus? The one who begged for mercy?
[20:41] [Jean-Claude] yes, but belief is meaningless without the Sacraments... "The Demons of Hell Believe and tremble." Your faith is admirable, but without the sacraments you are out of communion with the One, True Christ, and therefore you wander in Darkness.
[20:42] [Jean-Claude] [the quote was in Latin]
[20:42] [Rebekah] Jesus told him that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day. And this thief...he wasn't Catholic. He wasn't baptized, he'd never had communion. But he *believed*.
[20:42] * Rebekah pauses for a moment, "Could you repeat that in Spanish, perhaps?"
[20:43] [Jean-Claude] and the power of Christ transformed him, the miracles of the Son exalted him. Those miracles come to us now through the Sacraments and through our Faith.
[20:44] [Jean-Claude] oh... The Demons of Hell believe and tremble, is what was said.
[20:45] [Rebekah] And St. Paul says that it is by grace that we have been saved, through *faith* - and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.
[20:45] * Rebekah smiles
[20:45] [Rebekah] Yeah, it does say that.
[20:46] [Jean-Claude] none may boast, but works come from a pure heart. Works are the product of faith, and proof that it exists. By following the Sacraments we show that we understand the Word.
[20:46] [Jean-Claude] and by breaking them, we show that we are confused, and know not.
[20:46] [Rebekah] But I follow Him. And I won't stop. I have felt the presence of the Living God. I have felt Him save me from death that was only a breath away. My understanding of the Word comes from my walk with Jesus. He lives within me, He guides my step and so long as He is happy...I care not for whether the world or any institution is happy.
[21:00] [Jean-Claude] and I care not as well, for my faith is Absolute.
[21:02] [Jean-Claude] my belief guides my hand, and my heart. Whether your belief is true or not can be seen by how well the Doctrine and the Sacraments guide you,
[21:03] [Rebekah] Whether or not my belief is true can be seen by the fruits of my actions. The sacraments are man-made.
[21:03] [Rebekah] They are stepping blocks trying to help us reach God.
[21:03] [Rebekah] But God doesn't need step-stones. He never has.
[21:04] [Jean-Claude] God doesn't. Man does. Man is falliable and needs a path to the One, he needs guidance. The Sacraments guide us, and direct us up the path to Him.
[21:05] [Rebekah] You don't think that Jesus can directly lead us, then?
[21:05] [Jean-Claude] Jesus can, but we are not Jesus. Jesus is the Lord in flesh, and is omnipotent, infalliable. We are not.
[21:06] [Rebekah] You're right. We're not.
[21:06] [Rebekah] And we will make mistakes. It's part of being human.
[21:06] [Rebekah] But I believe that because Jesus lives in me, He guides me through this life. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't go to church or ask for advice from other Believers.
[21:07] [Rebekah] But it does mean that I can still be a Christian and not be Catholic.
[21:07] [Jean-Claude] then you do not understand His word.
[21:08] [Jean-Claude] else you would see the one True way
[21:08] [Rebekah] His Word never says I have to be CAtholic.
[21:08] [Rebekah] His word never says I need a pope or rosary beads or to pray to Saints.
[21:08] [Rebekah] His word says I need to repent and invite Jesus to live within me. His word says all I have to do is believe and follow Him.
[21:09] [Rebekah] His word says I'm follow Him even if it means going to the Shade Realm of Entropy and suffering for it. Because of Him, I am never alone.
[21:10] [Jean-Claude] Your rhetoric is misguided. You are obviously unaware of the history of Christ's Church.
[21:10] * Rebekah smiles
[21:11] [Rebekah] Actually, I'm quite aquainted with it. It's one thing that I was taught quite well when I first became a Believer.
[21:13] [Jean-Claude] Our Church was founded by St. Peter, Apostle of Christ. Christins since his time have practiced the Sacraments. Without them, it is impossible to truly walk with Christ. This was set down by our Lord while He was among us on earth. The Pope is a necessary component of our faith since our first Pope, St. Peter, was appointed by Christ. The line of Papal Succession proceeds from one appointed by Christ Himself. Are you going to question it?
[21:14] [Rebekah] Yes. Because Jesus never says we have to pray the rosary. Because Jesus never says we have to go through priests to reach Him. Because when He died, the veil between the rest of the temple and the Holy of Holies tore...because Jesus, by dying so that we could live, tore down the barrier between Man and God.
[21:15] [Rebekah] Jesus is the only bridge we need. And if we truly love Him, we follow His path...not out of fear, not out of habit, but because we love Him.
[21:15] [Rebekah] Because we owe Him.
[21:15] [Jean-Claude] You presume to know more than those who are appointed by Christ?
[21:15] [Rebekah] We are all appointed by Christ, Jean-Claude.
[21:15] [Rebekah] He has His hands on every life on this earth.
[21:15] [Rebekah] He's had His hands on you all of these years.
[21:16] [Jean-Claude] True. We all have our place. However, we should know it. We are all placed in the Great Chain of Being where God would have us.
[21:16] [Jean-Claude] If you attempt to leave your place, you upset the Divine Order.
[21:16] [Jean-Claude] And thus, you sin.
[21:16] [Rebekah] The place God has given me is here.
[21:16] [Rebekah] It is His hand that guides my actions.
[21:17] [Jean-Claude] No. God has given you the place of a lay-person and a woman. Yet you presume to take the role of a priest. My child, you misunderstand His plan for you.
[21:17] [Rebekah] I'm no priest.
[21:17] [Jean-Claude] And do not speak to me of fear, nor of habbit.
[21:17] [Jean-Claude] Does not your Dr. Luter preach of the "priesthood of all believers"?
[21:17] [Rebekah] I'm just Rebekah, who saw Death but was saved by the Power of God. I'm just Rebekah. No more, no less.
[21:18] * Rebekah cants her head to one side
[21:18] [Rebekah] I'm not Lutheran.
[21:18] [Rebekah] I'm Pentacostal.
[21:18] [Jean-Claude] It makes no difference.
[21:18] [Jean-Claude] You are a Protestant.
[21:18] [Rebekah] Well, it does in some ways and not others.
[21:18] [Rebekah] Yeah, but they don't usually like us to say that.
[21:19] [Jean-Claude] All of your kind, all of your false churches, proceed from his misguided doctrines. They are all children of his heresy, his Schism with God's Church.
[21:19] [Rebekah] Answer me this...
[21:19] [Rebekah] Is it heresy to believe that the Word of God is completely ture?
[21:19] [Rebekah] *true
[21:19] [Rebekah] literally true.
[21:21] [Rebekah] Is it heresy to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and the *only* way to get to Heaven?
[21:21] [Rebekah] Is it heresy to believe that there is only one God, in three parts - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
[21:22] [Rebekah] Is it heresy to believe that the Salvation offered by Christ Jesus is available to *every* person no matter *what* they have done?
[21:22] [Rebekah] Is it heresy to believe that Mankind, which we are both members of, *willingly* fell to sin?
[21:22] [Jean-Claude] All that you say is true, save one thing.
[21:23] [Jean-Claude] You have good understanding for the most part, but you miss one vital point.
[21:23] [Rebekah] Which is?
[21:24] [Jean-Claude] Are you familiar with Saint Augustine?
[21:24] [Rebekah] I have heard of him.
[21:24] [Jean-Claude] Saint Augustine was a pagan, a misguided non-believer, much as yourself.
[21:25] [Jean-Claude] His doubts of our faith were understandable.
[21:25] * Rebekah arches a brow but says nothing
[21:26] [Jean-Claude] His trouble with Christianity was that he could not reconcile the teachings of the Old Testament with those of the New.
[21:26] [Rebekah] It's really not that difficult, but go on.
[21:27] [Jean-Claude] Luckily, one of great teachers, the Bishop of Hippo, healped him to understand how these seemingly contradictory ways of God were in fact working together for the greater purposes of His plan.
[21:28] [Jean-Claude] What the Bishop told him is echoed in his later writings, where a student asked him how Scripture ought to be interpreted.
[21:28] [Jean-Claude] "Ought it to be interpreted literally?", the student asked him.
[21:29] [Jean-Claude] "No.", said St. Augustine. "God gave the law to the Jews to show that Man is incapable of keeping his laws".
[21:29] [Rebekah] I would agree with that. We are incapable of keeping the Ten Commandments.
[21:30] [Jean-Claude] Not simply the Ten Commandments, but the rest of God's Law, as it is enumerated throughout the Pentatuke.
[21:30] [Rebekah] You speak of Leviticus?
[21:30] [Jean-Claude] Indeed, as well as Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
[21:31] [Jean-Claude] God's standard is so high, his requirements so great, that Man, in his Fallen state, is incapable of fulfilling God's Law to the fullness that it requires.]
[21:32] [Jean-Claude] Do you understand me thus far?
[21:32] [Rebekah] I've always thought of Genesis as the story of how the world came to be...Exodus as the story of God's love for His people, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy as laws and other assorted important information - like about the tabernacle...
[21:32] [Rebekah] Yes. Because sin is sin. God loves us, but He cannot be where sin is. Even the smallest amount is enough to keep us out of heaven.
[21:32] [Jean-Claude] In the latter chapters of Exodus, God sets begins to set down his laws.
[21:32] [Rebekah] I kind of get caught up by the whole Moses story..
[21:32] [Jean-Claude] You are correct. Perhaps there may yet be hope for you.
[21:33] * Rebekah looks ever so slightly amused by that
[21:34] [Jean-Claude] But I digress, my child.
[21:34] [Jean-Claude] Permit me to finish my story.
[21:34] * Rebekah nods and motions for him to continue
[21:34] [Jean-Claude] St. Augustine told his student this.
[21:35] [Jean-Claude] Man is incapable of keeping the Law. That much is obvious. Thus, the Law, God's Word, God's Will, is not to be interpreted literally. That is missing the point. In doing that, we continue to strive towards a standard we can never hope to achieve.
[21:36] [Jean-Claude] The spirit of the law, however, is within our grasp.
[21:36] [Jean-Claude] In this, St. Augustine was echoing the sentiments of St. Paul.
[21:36] [Jean-Claude] And the spirit of the law can be only revealed by the Holy Spirit, yes?
[21:36] [Rebekah] I would agree with that.
[21:49] [Jean-Claude] Well then, it is not unreasonable to say that those who have been appointed by Christ can receive revelation from the Holy Spirit. Do you agree?
[21:49] [Rebekah] Certainly.
[21:50] [Jean-Claude] Excellent. Are you familiar with the Nicene Creed, my child?
[21:52] [Rebekah] Yes.
[21:53] [Jean-Claude] "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son, he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets."
[21:53] [Jean-Claude] Yes?
[21:53] [Rebekah] That isn't what it says.
[21:53] * Rebekah looks at him calmly
[21:54] [Jean-Claude] I'm afraid it is, my child.
[21:54] [Jean-Claude] Show me that I am wrong.
[21:54] * Rebekah takes a deep breath and begins to recite from memory
[21:54] [Rebekah] We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of his Father, of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father. By whom all things were made, both which be in heaven and in earth. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and wa
[21:55] [Rebekah] Another version is slightly different.
[21:55] [Jean-Claude] Another version?
[21:56] [Jean-Claude] That is preposterous!
[21:56] [Jean-Claude] Don't you see my child? Truth can have only one source!
[21:56] [Rebekah] There were two synods.
[21:56] [Rebekah] The wording from each is slightly different.
[21:56] [Jean-Claude] One truth, one universal standard! The word Catholic means universal.
[21:56] [Rebekah] And I am also translating into Spanish something that I learned in English but that was originally written in Latin Vulgate.
[21:57] [Rebekah] There is also a Greek Orthodox form.
[21:57] * Jean-Claude narrows his eyes at the mention of "Greek Orthodox"
[21:57] * Rebekah looks at him curiously
[21:57] [Jean-Claude] You must not trust the Schismatics, my child. They will mislead you.
[21:58] [Rebekah] I'm not Greek Orthodox.
[21:58] [Rebekah] Though I think their stained glass windows are very beautiful...with there always being the dove of the Holy Spirit depicted.
[21:58] [Rebekah] But in the end they all say the same thing.
[21:58] [Rebekah] There is ONE God.
[21:58] [Rebekah] He has THREE parts - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
[21:59] [Rebekah] Jesus is the Son of God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the FAther.
[21:59] [Rebekah] All things were made by God. Everything.
[21:59] [Jean-Claude] It may be beautiful without my child, but the most gorgeous tree may rot within. The Scriptures tell us that the Devil may transform into an angel of Light.
[21:59] * Rebekah smiles sadly
[21:59] [Rebekah] Yes, he can.
[21:59] [Jean-Claude] Renee Decartes, a fine Catholic scholar, tells us not to trust our senses.
[22:00] [Rebekah] Descartes also seemed to have a problem with God.
[22:00] [Jean-Claude] But he did not allow his human frailty, his doubt, to consume him.
[22:01] [Rebekah] Some people do.
[22:01] [Jean-Claude] Yes, and that is their failing.
[22:01] [Rebekah] But Jesus never stops calling to them. And He never stops loving them.
[22:02] [Jean-Claude] However, you do agree that the Holy Spirit speaks through the prophets, do you not?
[22:02] [Rebekah] We are saved not because we deserve it. I deserve nothing. We are saved because we don't.
[22:02] [Rebekah] I believe the Holy Spirit speaks through every Believer.
[22:02] [Jean-Claude] Yes, because God is merciful.
[22:02] [Rebekah] He is.
[22:03] [Jean-Claude] *Nods* Another point.
[22:03] [Jean-Claude] "We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church".
[22:03] [Rebekah] I do believe in one holy universal church.
[22:04] [Rebekah] But my definition of church, and yours are different.
[22:04] [Jean-Claude] Yes. Catholic means universal.
[22:04] [Jean-Claude] But my point is not with that word, but with the word "apostolic".
[22:04] [Rebekah] I believe 'the Church' is the Body of Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God's offer of redemption (regardless of religious denomination) through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ.
[22:05] [Jean-Claude] They may accept the fact that His grace can save them, but they are still out of communion with him!
[22:05] [Jean-Claude] And thus, they are lost in darkness!
[22:05] [Rebekah] No one who knows Christ is lost.
[22:06] [Jean-Claude] Jesus Christ commands us to do two things.
[22:06] * Rebekah shakes her head, smiling, "Not one. Christ is the light in the darkness."
[22:07] [Jean-Claude] Be baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to drink His body and His blood.
[22:07] [Jean-Claude] Your church follows the first teaching, but misinterprets the second one.
[22:07] [Rebekah] I am baptized and I do participate in communion when I have the chance.
[22:07] [Rebekah] But he said do this in *remembrance*.
[22:07] [Rebekah] And I do.
[22:07] [Rebekah] Because we, as Christians, should never forget the sacrifice that was made or the debt that we owe.
[22:08] [Jean-Claude] Yes, but your communion is not true communion. You drink mere bread and wine grown by human hands. Your scholars even admit to this.
[22:08] [Jean-Claude] They see communion as a "symbolic" gesture.
[22:08] [Rebekah] It's bread. It's...well, grape juice, actually.
[22:08] [Rebekah] Symbols have power. They have *great* power.
[22:08] [Jean-Claude] When in fact, it is the center of our Holy Religion!
[22:09] [Rebekah] I have seen Catholic communion.
[22:09] [Jean-Claude] For our communion is truly, literally, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
[22:09] [Rebekah] When the transubstatiation occurrs, it is *still* bread and *still* wine. It doesn't change in properties.
[22:11] [Jean-Claude] Come now my child, certainly those of our particular persuasion know that one substance can become another.
[22:11] [Jean-Claude] Is it not so?
[22:11] [Rebekah] Yes. I do know that. But I also know that I've never witnessed this particular transformation during Catholic communion.
[22:11] [Rebekah] Though, honestly...I think it's a moot point.
[22:12] [Rebekah] Do you believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God who died for our sins and then was raised the third day to sit at the right hand of the Father?
[22:12] [Jean-Claude] Indeed.
[22:12] [Rebekah] *I* believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God who died for our sins and then was raised the third day to sit at the right hand of the Father.
[22:13] [Rebekah] Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repented of your sins?
[22:13] [Jean-Claude] If you are asking me if I trust in His mercy and grace, then yes.
[22:14] [Rebekah] Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I have repented of my sins.
[22:14] [Rebekah] Therefore, by *my* definition, you are my brother in Christ.
[22:14] [Rebekah] Whether or not you are a Roman Catholic is a moot point in my eyes, because the most important thing is that *you* have accepted the mercy of God.
[22:17] [Jean-Claude] But that mercy cannot be had unless one has embraced tbe Sacraments. This is a teaching given to Peter through Christ and passed down in Apostolic Succession to all the bishops and priests of our Church. It endures to this day. Holy Mother Church stands strong and unchanging while your facticious churches continue to splinter and divide. Christ told St. Peter that His Church would endure even agains the fires of Hell. Yes, your church is the product of division and schism. The Catholic Church has endured through the centuries in spite of heresy, war, and hard times. Certainly you can see that its longstanding nature is evident of its Truth. All other churchs have been overcome from within.
[22:18] [Jean-Claude] These teaching have endured right up until today, from the moment that Christ gave them.
[22:18] [Rebekah] The Church will endure even the fires of hell, because the Church isn't a building. It's not an institution. It's not man-made.
[22:18] [Rebekah] The Church is the line of Believers stretching back to the beginning.
[22:18] [Jean-Claude] I never said it was.
[22:19] [Rebekah] These Believers have differed on small things. But they all agree on the most important thing.
[22:19] [Rebekah] For God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
[22:20] [Jean-Claude] Gospel of St. John, Chapter 3, Verse 16.
[22:20] [Rebekah] Yes.
[22:20] [Rebekah] It's been translated into every major language in the world. So that the whole world will know the greatest story ever told.
[22:20] [Rebekah] So that every person in that hole that says they are unredeemable will know that no one is so lost that He cannot find them.
[22:21] [Rebekah] So that every person who believes there is nothing more than this world and this life will know that there is more.
[22:21] [Rebekah] So that they know that death is *not* the end and it is *not* to be feared.
[22:22] [Rebekah] There is no place so dark His light cannot pierce it. There is no person so lost that He cannot find them. There is no heart so black that He cannot cleanse it.
[22:22] [Rebekah] My life is testimony to that. I am a living witness of what Jesus can do.
[22:23] [Jean-Claude] Very beautifully said, my child.
[22:23] * Jean-Claude wipes a tear from his eye
[22:23] * Rebekah begins to get tears in her eyes as she speaks, and her voice shakes with emotion
[22:23] [Rebekah] Voormas knew that. And he tried to use it against me.
[22:23] [Rebekah] But though he has taken my hearing...
[22:23] * Rebekah reaches up to grab the cross, and as she does blue flames burst from the small object
[22:24] [Rebekah] And though he gives me pain every time I touch the symbol of my faith, I will not give it up.
[22:24] [Rebekah] He sent me to hell. But God was there with me, so it was not Hell.
[22:24] [Rebekah] He lied to me.
[22:24] [Rebekah] He raped me.
[22:24] [Rebekah] But *my* God is more powerful. And though I suffer, I know that He suffered before I did. That He suffered with me.
[22:25] [Rebekah] And that is why I believe Voormas to be liar. And that is why I say that though I am not a Catholic, God walks with me every step of the way.
[22:25] [Rebekah] I feel His presence all around me and I hear His voice when He speaks to me.
[22:25] * Rebekah lets go of the cross and shakes her hand a little, as if to rid it of pain
[22:26] [Rebekah] You believe that only a Catholic can be Saved. But I am living proof that Jesus needs no mortal institution. All He requires is our belief, our trust, and for us to follow Him.
[22:27] [Jean-Claude] ...
[22:27] [Rebekah] And this is my message to you, Father Jean-Claude - the Lord of Hosts, even the Most High has seen what you have supported.
[22:28] [Jean-Claude] Tell me my child, what is the Chuch like in this time and age?
[22:28] [Rebekah] He has seen the suffering that it has brought upon His children.
[22:28] [Rebekah] And despite it all, He still loves you. He does not want to lose you.
[22:28] [Jean-Claude] God has not lost me, child.
[22:28] [Rebekah] If you support the Helekar, you cannot support God.
[22:28] [Jean-Claude] However, I would like you to answer my question.
[22:28] [Rebekah] The Roman Catholic Church is much different from what you would remmeber.
[22:29] [Rebekah] Masses are conducted in the language of the country they are in.
[22:29] [Rebekah] People read the Bible.
[22:29] [Rebekah] The Pope has stated that Catholics are Christians and has expressed solidarity with other denominations and faiths.
[22:29] [Rebekah] He has apologized for the Crusades and the killings of Jews.
[22:29] [Rebekah] And the Holocaust.
[22:30] [Rebekah] The Catholic church is almost non-existent in Europe. It is strongest in Africa and South America.
[22:30] [Rebekah] There's a new Pope. His name is Benedict XVI.
[22:30] [Rebekah] The Church is assailed on all sides by those who don't believe.
[22:31] [Rebekah] And would you guess who is coming to Her defense?
[22:31] [Rebekah] The Evangelical Protestants.
[22:32] [Rebekah] I don't agree with everything the Catholic Church preaches. I admit that.
[22:33] [Rebekah] But anyone who follows Christ is my brother or sister. And in a world where it's okay to kill your children before they're born...where every sort of vice and depravity is sanctioned under the auspices of "diversity" and "tolerance," we are all in this together.
[22:33] [Jean-Claude] ......
[22:34] [Jean-Claude] The Holy Spirit tells me that you speak the truth, my child.
[22:34] [Jean-Claude] Can it be?
[22:34] [Rebekah] These are the last days, Father.
[22:34] [Rebekah] Jesus is coming back soon.
[22:34] [Rebekah] The world must grow worse before it can grow better.
[22:35] [Rebekah] But Christians all over the world stand united in opposition to the Enemy. We are one body, the body of Christ. We call ourselves different things, we use different words, but we all believe the same thing - Jesus is the only way. The only way.
[22:36] [Jean-Claude] .....Well, Christ told us that in the Last Days the seven Churches would awaken.
[22:36] [Rebekah] And for the world to know that what we say is true - because it is hard to believe...it is so hard to believe in a world this dark...we must be like Him.
[22:36] [Jean-Claude] He told this to St. John the Divine in the book of Revelation.
[22:36] [Rebekah] Yes, in Revelations.
[22:37] [Jean-Claude] Perhaps God has seen fit to reveal Himself in a way that He had not chosen to reveal to us in my time...
[22:37] [Jean-Claude] His ways are higher than ours, the Scripture says.
[22:37] [Rebekah] Well, I will tell you what I think.
[22:37] * Rebekah pauses for a moment
[22:38] [Rebekah] In your time, the Church was already having problems. People were becoming Priests not because they desired to serve God, but because it was advantageous for their families.
[22:38] [Rebekah] Many became lovers of power and themselves rather than lovers of God.
[22:38] [Rebekah] This problem continued to become worse.
[22:39] [Rebekah] First there was Luther, who brought up legitimate problems - even you have to admit that.
[22:39] [Jean-Claude] Yes.
[22:39] [Rebekah] But Luther...while I believe he was used by God, I don't believe that Luther was entirely correct.
[22:39] [Rebekah] He believed that we should kill people who don't believe as we do.
[22:39] [Jean-Claude] The Council of Trent dealt with these problems.
[22:39] [Rebekah] He...had hatred.
[22:39] [Rebekah] You can't hate someone and love God.
[22:40] [Rebekah] But over the years, God preserved the message in a few.
[22:40] [Rebekah] And then people started to get copies of the Holy Bible in their own language.
[22:40] [Rebekah] So that they could read and understand what God said.
[22:40] [Rebekah] And many...myself included...found hope in those pages. Two thousand years, and the essential message still rings true.
[22:41] [Jean-Claude] .....
[22:41] [Jean-Claude] *nods*
[22:41] [Rebekah] The story isn't about death. It's about love.
[22:41] [Rebekah] It all comes down to love.
[22:41] * Jean-Claude wipes tears from his eyes
[22:42] [Rebekah] I wish you could see what I have seen.
[22:42] [Rebekah] I wish you could see the beautiful little children that live now. Each one of them with a purpose ordained by God. If you and yours had succeeded, they never would have gotten to fufill that purpose.
[22:43] [Rebekah] I wish you could see the lives that are being changed every day. People lost in darkness finding the light. If you and yours had succeded, they never would have gotten to do that.
[22:43] [Rebekah] Because what technically would have happened is that everyone would have been *frozen*. *forever.*
[22:43] [Jean-Claude] .....So in trying to stop the Wheel....we would have been stopping God's plan?
[22:43] [Rebekah] Yes.
[22:43] [Rebekah] Because the wheel is turned by His hand.
[22:44] [Rebekah] If there is one thing I have come to realize, it's that God is in control.
[22:44] [Jean-Claude] ......And if it had been God's will for us to succeed...we sould have...
[22:44] [Rebekah] We put our trust and our Faith in Him.
[22:44] [Rebekah] Yes. I can truly say that I witnessed the power of God on the field of Cerebus.
[22:44] [Rebekah] We should not have won by the standards of the world.
[22:45] [Rebekah] But God...He's special...
[22:45] [Jean-Claude] "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world"....
[22:46] [Rebekah] But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
[22:46] [Rebekah] He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him.
[22:47] * Rebekah holds her hands out in front of her, palms up
[22:47] [Rebekah] My hands are weak. They are a woman's hands.
[22:47] [Rebekah] But my hands are in the service of my Lord. And His power is greater than mine. With His help, my hands are strong.
[22:48] [Rebekah] All around me I see the lost. Most do not follow the Lord, even those who are chosen to have a portion of His power - the Awakened.
[22:48] [Rebekah] But I cannot force them to see the truth. I can only live the truth.
[22:50] * Jean-Claude is lost i thought for several long moments, after which he looks up at you through tears, and, clearly stretched to a psychological breaking point, he falls to his knees in front of you and begins to pray in Latin
[22:50] [Jean-Claude] *in
[22:51] * Rebekah watches him for a moment, fighting tears herself, and gets to her knees as well, holding out her hands, "Let us pray together. For the Lord says, where two of Mine are, there I am also."
[22:54] * Jean-Claude ST: You pray together, Jean-Claude in Latin, and you in [Spanish/English]. After a time, you hear him say something very softly, "four years... too long. I must confess my sins."
[22:55] * Rebekah replies in the same tone, "Confess them to Jesus. Give them to Him. He is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness."
[22:55] * Jean-Claude ST: as you hear that, you are bathed in a soft light, as you hear him start to confess his sins in French, including all manner of sinful activity undertaken in the name of God.
[22:57] * Rebekah continues praying silently, only her lips moving
[22:58] * Jean-Claude ST: you feel a soft hand upon your shoulder, and a light from the same spot. You know not to look, for the face of Jesus is backlit by the light of the Father. You know that were you to look, you would be blind. You see the light gather around you as Jean-Claude confesses his sins openly, confesses all manner of sinful deeds in a penitent voice, asking for compassion and mercy. At the end of his confession, you see him slump, as though very tired but, in a way, uplifted, and fall asleep, peaceful.
[22:59] * Jean-Claude ST: confesses his sins openly, confesses all manner of sinful deeds in a penitent voice, asking for compassion and mercy. At the end of his confession, you see him slump, as though very tired but, in a way, uplifted, and fall asleep, peaceful.
[23:00] [Jean-Claude] ST: ;) congrats, you're authorized to spend 4 xp to purchase Arete 5
[23:01] [Jean-Claude] ST: all you have to do is send up an app for it, and get it run by everybody appropriate in the chain.
[23:02] * Rebekah carefully adjusts the priest so he won't get a crick in his neck or something from sleeping funny and then places a hand on his forehead and whispers quietly, "Lord God, this is Bekah again. Father, the days are going to be hard for this man. It will not be easy. Lord God, walk with him. Let him know that You are there. Send Your angels to guard and protect him. And Lord, give me the strength and wisdom to make the right decision
[23:04] * Jean-Claude is now known as SC-ARST-MA
[23:05] * Rebekah gets up after a moment and goes to the door, trying to figure out a way to call Clarence
[23:05] * SC-ARST-MA ST: Clarence walks downstairs after it's all done, and looks over the situation, then says, "You have to knock him out or something?"
[23:05] * Rebekah shakes her head, smiling like a silly person
[23:05] [Rebekah] No.
[23:06] [Rebekah] He's not going to be a problem.
[23:06] [Rebekah] He's finally realized what it was that he did wrong. Why Voormas was wrong. And he's repented.
[23:06] [Rebekah] I would actually *like* to move him out of here, if possible.
[23:06] [SC-ARST-MA] wow... that MUST have been some discussion.
[23:06] [Rebekah] The Lord is Merciful, Clarence.
[23:06] [Rebekah] And He can see the hearts of men when we can't. And affect those hearts.
[23:07] [SC-ARST-MA] hmm... I'm pretty sure we'll have to get everybody together for that. That might be something to be talked about at the trial.
[23:07] [Rebekah] Well, is there another place I can stick him so he's not stuck sedated until the Trial?
[23:07] [SC-ARST-MA] well...
[23:08] [SC-ARST-MA] there's plenty of room in the mansion, but I don't know if people would be happy with him up and walking around.
[23:08] [SC-ARST-MA] just from a parctical stand point... it might be better to sedate him.
[23:08] [SC-ARST-MA] *practical
[23:10] * Rebekah looks around the room thoughtfully
[23:10] [Rebekah] Well, maybe bring down some blankets and some books? At least give the man something to do. He *needs* to work through t his, Clarence. If for nothing else so he has a chance to defend himself on Saturday.
[23:12] * SC-ARST-MA nods "well... I think that can be handled. I would just hate to have him try to escape, and then have to kill him."
[23:12] [Rebekah] Well, if you like I can sit down here and guard him. I really don't believe he'll try to escape. He knows what he did was wrong.
[23:13] [SC-ARST-MA] alright. They might be alright with it if you promised to stay down here and watch him.
[23:15] [Rebekah] Sure thing. I'll need a bed or something.
[23:15] [SC-ARST-MA] here... I'm going to go get stuff to make him comfortable. I can get you a TV and a mini-fridge. This basement has a bedroom and a spot for a half a kitchen.
[23:15] [Rebekah] It's not like I have anything else better to do after all. Right?
[23:15] [Rebekah] Oooo...TV...
[23:16] [Rebekah] Dude, I am *so* wanting to see Law & Order...
[23:16] * SC-ARST-MA ST: Clarence spends about the next hour getting things to make you and Jean-Claude comfortable, along with a TV and a mini-frdge, with food and drink to keep you supplied for a couple days
[23:17] * SC-ARST-MA waves his ST wand and declares the scene done
Session Close: Thu Jun 16 23:19:17 2005
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