Different Stars - Chapters 1-2

Jan 28, 2008 17:07

Title: Different Stars
Author: misty87
Rating: NC-17, Adult
Category: Roswell, Michael/Maria
Spoilers: post-Graduation
Disclaimer: If I owned this, season three would've gone a lot differently.
Summary: After being on the road for four months, one night will change everything.
Author's Comments: This is the long fic I've been promising. I'm posting both chapters together so you it'll be easier to keep up. After this, posting will be chapter by chapter. Most of the focus will be on Michael and Maria, with some Dreamer. As of typing this, I haven't made up my mind about Isabel yet. I hope you all like it!

Different Stars
by Misty

Chapter One

It had been four months without incident, which is not to say that the group didn’t take every perceivable every caution. Driving all around the west coast in a crazy figure eight pattern, Max thought the best way to get the FBI off their trail was to take impossible routes through hundreds of nameless small towns and crowded big cities until they could come up with a better plan. They changed their hair and physical appearance at every stop, used fake licenses, and had changed vehicles five times. The journey had been tough on all of them, but they had made it through intact, so far.
    After spending two days resting, they decided to leave Los Angeles, CA at eleven o’clock at night, leaving for the next town in a stolen minivan. Isabel was driving while Max sat in the passenger seat, reading the map. Kyle and Liz shared the backseat; he read a magazine while she slept. Maria and Michael occupied the middle seat, talking quietly. Isabel pulled up alongside a gas station.
    “We’re out of supplies. We might as well stock up here before we get back on the road.”
    “I’ll go,” Maria volunteered sitting up. “I’ve got to find a ladies’ room anyway.” Max nodded and Michael released her from his arms.
    “Get me a bag of Cheetos!” Kyle yelled as Maria left the van.   
    Maria walked into the mostly empty gas station and headed straight for the small food section. She grabbed various cookies, chips, sodas, energy drinks, Kyle’s Cheetos, and made her way up to the counter. Setting the stuff down, she remembered that Michael was low in his personal stock of Tabasco sauce. She walked back to the food shelf to find the space for the sauce empty.
    “Excuse me?” She asked the bored-looking clerk. “Is there any way you can see if you have any Tabasco sauce in the back?” The  man nodded, grumbling under his breath. After the clerk left, Maria suddenly noticed that she was alone, with the exception of two men who were looking at her. From the look of the two guys, asking the clerk to leave suddenly seemed like a bad idea. She turned around to walk back outside to the van, but before she could she felt a knife at her throat.
    “Shh, pretty girl. We’re going to take a walk outside,” One of the thugs whispered as he covered her mouth. He nodded to the other thug as he began to drag her to the other door, opposite where the rest of the group sat waiting.
    “Please don’t…” she begged quietly as he continued to drag her into an alley. He hit her across the face for it.
    “Don’t you say one word, bitch.”   
    Maria was doing her best not to cry as he slammed her up against the wall. She tried to scream, and he slapped her for it.
    “Shut up little bitch!“
    Her face stung but she remained still. She would’ve struggled more if not for the knife that was pressed threateningly against her throat.
    “I’m going to have some fun with you,” he grinned menacingly as he licked the side of her face. Please someone come. Please     Michael come. Someone please save me, her thoughts were frantic as he kissed her brutally. She bit his lip in retaliation.
    He hit her again. “You’re going to pay for that, princess.”
    Michael, please!
    He ripped her shirt down the middle as she cried out again in her head. Then he took the knife to her skirt, slowly cutting it off, piece by piece.

    Michael sat up with a start. Without a word, he threw open the van door and took off in a dead sprint. Max and Kyle exchanged a look, then opened the door themselves. “You and Liz stay here,” Max warned Isabel. “First sign of trouble, you leave.” With that they were gone, following Michael.

“I get a piece of her next,” the other man leered watching his partner intently.
    Maria’s captor laughed, “If there’s anything left of her.”
    He grabbed her breasts roughly, then cut the last bit of her skirt, letting it pool to her feet. He looked at Maria’s tensely closed eyes. “This is going to hurt.”
    Then the cold, hard voice came out from the street. “Let her go.”
    Maria opened her eyes to see her savior standing menacingly with his hand outstretched, an unthreatening action to those who didn’t know better. The man just laughed and turned his attention back to Maria. In the blink of an eye he was flying across the alley to land against a dumpster. His partner bolted back into the safety of the gas station.
    “Michael…” she breathed, her voice breaking. He ran up to her and pulled her into his arms. That’s how Max and Kyle found them, and noting Maria’s state and the man lying on the ground 20 feet away, it wasn’t a hard puzzle for them to piece together. She put her arms around his neck as he moved to cradle her in his arms.
    “It’s okay baby, I’m here…” he gently whispered as she turned, crying into his shoulder softly. He stroked her hair as he walked them back to the van. Isabel opened the door and the newly awake Liz slipped out of her seat to let the couple use the back.
Michael tried to lay Maria down on the backseat, but she would have none of it. She clutched at him tightly, still completely frozen in fear. He consented and sat down, letting her lie across him. He looked up at the two anxious girls, “Do either of you have something she can wear?” Liz nodded and took off the hooded-sweatshirt she had been wearing over her clothes and Isabel dug into her bag to find a pair of jeans. “Here, just use your powers to make them fit her,” Isabel said, handing them over. Michael nodded and helped Maria change out of the torn outfit.
    Liz motioned out the window for Max and Kyle to come in. They piled into the van, unsure of what to say, so Michael did it for them.
    “Is he dead?” He asked it coldly, and they couldn’t really tell what answer Michael would’ve liked better.
    “No, just knocked unconscious,” Max answered as he handed Michael the newly patched skirt. Michael took it wordlessly.
    “Is she okay?” Kyle asked as he settled down into the passenger seat while Max moved to the driver’s seat
    Michael looked down to find that she had fallen asleep against him. Good, he thought. Let her escape for a while.
    “I don’t know. She’s not talking yet.”
    Kyle nodded. “Do you think he-”
    Michael’s eyes shot daggers at the boy, warning him against pressing the subject. No, I got there in time. I got there in time, I had to have gotten there in time, he tried to convince himself.
    Max’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. “We need to get out of here quickly. Make sure no one saw it. Any ideas?”
    As the rest of the group decided on the next city, Michael laid back against the side of the van, holding Maria close. I could have lost her. I could have lost her… I should’ve gone with her. She shouldn’t have gone inside by herself. I should’ve gone with her.
Maria chose that moment to open her eyes. Michael tried to calm his stormy emotions for her sake. “Hey, baby.”
    Maria returned a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
    “Are you okay?” Michael asked, trying to sound normal but too worried to achieve it.
    She breathed deep and looked over at Isabel and Liz’s wondering eyes. “I’m okay,” she announced slowly. “Just a little freaked out.” Michael breathed a rather large sigh of relief.
    “I don’t want to talk about it yet,” she whispered softly to him. He nodded understanding. As he tried to fall asleep with her his thoughts plagued him: I failed her. I swore that I would always protect her and I failed.

Chapter Two

A few hours later, Michael complained, “Max, I’ve got to get her in a bed or hotel or something. This can’t be good for her.” He nodded toward the fitfully sleeping girl in his arms.
        “Are there any hotels where you can check in at 2 in the morning?” Kyle yawned.
        “We’re coming up on Bakersfield, we can rest up there.”
        A half hour later, a particularly large bump in the road caused Maria to wake up.
        “Michael, are you awake?”
        He sat up and looked at her, “Yeah.” He paused, “Are you ready to talk now?”
        She nodded quickly. “Thank you.”
        “For what?”
        “For saving me, giving me time to collect myself, everything.”
        He kissed her cheek softly. “You’re welcome.”
        She took a deep breath and Michael resolved to let her talk in her own time.
        “I had asked the guy at the register to see if there was any more Tabasco sauce in the back,” she started. My Tabasco sauce, he thought resentfully as she continued, “when one of the guys put the knife to my throat and forced me outside.” She paused, finding it hard to move on, while Michael unfortunately was finding it hard to keep his anger in check. But he knew that whatever he said in anger now wouldn’t help Maria, so he remained silent.
        “He forced me up against the wall, and he hit me…” Michael clutched her harder, possessively.
        Maria’s voice was breaking, “Then he started cutting off my clothes…” She started crying again and Michael gently pulled her head into his chest. “It’s okay Maria, you don’t have to tell me now. Just go back to sleep.” Maria nodded and tried to go back to sleep. I’m so helpless. I can’t do a damn thing to help myself, she thought bitterly as she pretended to sleep. Anyone else in this car could’ve deflected it with some alien power, but not me. And he almost… almost… She looked up at an unaware Michael and buried herself deeper against him. She wasn’t upset, she was angry. She felt like a helpless little girl, unable to defend herself. She had almost had something taken away from her, something that she felt belonged solely to Michael. Fitfully, she went back to sleep.
        “Hey, we’re coming up on the ‘Silver Palms Motel’,” Max’s voice awoke Michael as he pulled into the parking lot. Kyle went with him while the girls continued sleeping and Michael remained vigilant.
        Max and Kyle came back with the room keys. “I got 3 rooms. No one sleeps in the van tonight,” Max announced as he handed keys to Michael and Isabel. Michael gently shook Maria awake as the rest of the troupe began to unload the van.
        Michael set his and Maria’s bags on the bed in their room. She had calmed down considerably by now, but she still looked shaken. “I’m going to take a shower,” she spoke quietly.
        He nodded and kissed her forehead tenderly, “I’m going to talk to Max for a few minutes outside. I’ll leave the door open so I’ll be right there if you need me.” She nodded and he kissed her forehead again. As he started to move away, she reached for his arm. “But first, can you…” She motioned to her hair.
        He nodded and ran his fingers through her hair, changing it from the short brunette look that she’d had to adopt lately to long, wavy blonde hair, Michael’s favorite on her. He even changed his own hair from the blonde, shaggy surfer look back to his long, slicked back, brown hair that had two years ago.
        He watched her step into the bathroom, then he opened the door to find Max waiting outside.
        “Hey Michael.”
        They walked together toward the railing, standing watch as Isabel changed the colors on the minivan. Michael spoke quietly, without looking at Max. “I failed her.”
        “You saved her, Michael. She was just going into the gas station. We had no idea what was going to happen,” Max reasoned.
        “We should’ve.”
        Michael turned to face him. “We’ve been so preoccupied with trying to keep our secret, and keep the government from throwing all us in the white room, that we forgot to keep our girls safe. And forgot stupid precautions that anyone else would‘ve remembered.”
        “What do you mean?”
        Michael sighed, “We let a young, teenage girl walk into a shady gas station on the wrong side of town, late at night, by herself.”
        Max didn’t know how to respond.
        “I failed as a human.”
        Max shook his head, “Stop saying that. She’s fine now. Shaken up, but fine.”
        “But she was in my care,” he scratched his eyebrow, growing visibly more upset. “She’s my girlfriend. I’m the one who’s supposed to take care of her, make sure that nothing happens to her. And I couldn’t even protect her from a stupid human!” The outdoor light exploded at his fury.
        Max grabbed him and held him still. "Calm down, right now. This isn't helping Maria."
        Michael nodded as Max fixed the light. They both remained silent for a few moments. Max didn’t know what to say to his brother. He knew that it wasn’t Michael’s fault, but when Michael started blaming himself for something, he refused to listen to reason. Michael had always seen himself as the protector of the group, the soldier. And the person that was most in his protection was attacked. Max didn’t know how to reason with that.
        Michael shook his head and leaned down against the railing. “I don’t know Max. I got into that alley and saw her…”
        “Michael,” a soft voice called from the room behind them. They turned and saw Maria towel drying her hair, wearing one of Michael’s oversized T-shirts. Michael gave her a soft smile and turned to leave.
        “By the way, how did you know she was being attacked?” Max asked.
        Michael looked at him, confused. “I heard her scream for me. Pretty loud, in fact.”
        “Kyle and I didn’t hear her.”
        Michael shrugged, “I don’t know. I did.” He walked back into his room as Max went to his.

“Hey baby, how’re you feeling?” Michael shut the door behind him.
        She smiled gently in reply, “Better.”
        She came closer to him, took his face in her hands and kissed him fervently. “I need you,” she whispered against his lips, with her eyes still closed.
        He paused and looked at her, expectantly.
        She opened her eyes and held his gaze. “Make love to me Michael, please. Make me forget,” she took his arm and laid back on the bed, pulling him down with her. “I just want to feel you and forget what happened.”
        He nodded, laying his body over hers. “I need to see,” he took her hand. “Show me what happened.”
        She looked slightly fearful. He wanted to see the flashes of the attack. Sometimes it was difficult to give specific flashes, and the last thing she wanted to do was relive it, but she couldn’t refuse Michael. She finally nodded. He leaned down to capture her lips with his, desperate to make her feel better.
        “Shut up little bitch!” the thug slapped her face when she cried out for help.
        Michael caressed her face with his hand, kissing her softly on he nose, forehead and both cheeks. Maria laid back, losing herself in Michael’s touch. He traced the contours of her face with his fingers while he moved to meet her lips with his again.
        Maria winced as he grabbed her breasts roughly through her torn shirt. He pinched her nipples hard, Maria bit her tongue to keep from crying out again at the pain.
        Michael didn’t lift his mouth from hers as he tried to quell the storm of anger inside him. Someone hurt, physically hurt the girl he loved. All he could do was make love to her in passionate hope of somehow erasing that lowlife’s touch from her body. He trailed his hands down her sides., bunching up her shirt around her waist. He lifted his face and looked into her eyes as she gave him permission. He slowly pulled the shirt off her body, and she closed her eyes, blocking out everything but his fingers on her skin. Michael was almost visibly sick when he saw the bruises on her beautiful breasts. He ignored his own hesitance, cupping her breasts gently with his hands. She gasped and his eyes flew to her face, relieved to see that it was from pleasure and not from pain. He kissed his way down her chest to the valley between her breasts. She reached down to intertwine her fingers in his hair. “Oh Michael…” He smiled and kissed the sensitive tips of her breasts.
        The knife hovered against her torn skirt as the man grabbed her thigh. He grinned menacingly at the terror on her face.
        Michael pulled off his own t-shirt and then continued kissing down her body . He kissed down her stomach, stopped to dip his tongue into her belly button and continued his journey. His fingers lightly grazed her thighs as his lips followed, kissing everywhere. He kissed down her legs, lightly massaging her feet as he pressed his lips to her ankle.
        “Michael…” she moaned softly, needing more.
        “I know baby,” he whispered as he kissed her lips again. He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue as his hands found the center of her body. He lightly traced his fingers up and down her folds, so lightly that they were barely there. “Ooh…” She moaned throatily, arching into his touch..
        He slipped his index finger into her center, moving it in and out gently. At the look of pleasure on her face, he added two more, giving a little more to the movement inside of her. “Oh… God yes, Spaceboy,” she murmured. He smirked as he started to move faster. “I’ve got you, Maria. Let it go,” he whispered against her lips and she came from his prompting.
        Without giving a moments pause, he moved down her body to take her into his mouth. He ran his tongue up and down her folds, as he had done with his fingers before, then dipping into her passage.
        “Oh Michael!” She exclaimed as she started to thrash about the bed, giving into the pleasures that his mouth was enticing. Michael had always been a generous lover, but tonight he raised the bar with all the pleasure that he was giving. He had a one track mind and tonight his mission was to satisfy her until the attack was just a memory.
        He moved to lightly suckle on her, grazing his teeth along her clit, and she came again, with him tasting all of her juices greedily.
        He kissed her chest again softly as he waited for her to come down from her orgasmic high. She took his face in her hands again and brought his lips back to hers, this time more roughly than before. She reached down to unbuckle his pants, which he had somehow managed to keep on. He watched her face as she concentrated on removing the last two articles of clothing between them. He kicked off his jeans and boxers when she finished. She looked back into his eyes as her hand caressed his hard cock. “I love you so much…”
        “I love you too,” he replied softly as he moved to position himself at her entrance.
        The thug unzipped his pants as he cut off the last remaining pieces of her skirt. “This is going to hurt,” he sneered.
        He tried to fight back the bile rising in his throat at that flash. Her gaze looked uncertain when she saw the flicker of disgust on his face. He locked eyes with her. “You’re mine,” he swore possessively as he sheathed his erection into her in one swift stroke. She nodded profusely. “Claim me,” she answered as he began thrusting.
        And that’s exactly what he did. His movements were slow and gentle at first, but she needed more as he began to thrust harder to meet her. He held one hand on her hip as he moved over her. Being inside of her was absolutely amazing. There was something awesome about the fact that they had only ever given their bodies to each other. They were the best kind of lovers. They only knew each other and had no desire to know anyone else.
        “Oh yes…” She moaned as he hit a spot deep within her. He captured her lips and explored her mouth with his tongue as her hands clawed at his back, keeping him as close as possible. His eyes darkened and his pace quickened as she wrapped her legs around him, spreading her legs wider. She cried out at every thrust as he pulled her close to climax. His power was swelling deep within her body and to her there was absolutely nothing else in the world other than this feeling and this boy. She dug her nails into his back as his thrusts became harder. His cock was so deep inside her, she feared she would rip in two.
        “Come with me,” she gasped as one of his hands moved down her body to play with her clit.
        “Yes…Maria…. with you,” he ground out as he neared his own climax.
        “Let her go,” she heard from the entrance of the alley. She looked up and saw the love of her life, her soldier, her Spaceboy coming to save her.
        “Oh, Michael!”
        They orgasmed together in what was the greatest orgasm in their long and rocky history together, that was already full of great orgasms. It felt like the entire fabric of the universe had been remade. His body emptied into hers in an explosion of sparks. It felt like fireworks were going off all around them. It was beauty. It was light. It was creation.

Later, after the aftershocks of the shared alien orgasm had died down, Michael pulled his spent member out of her warm body. She groaned slightly at the loss. He laid on his side and pulled her up against him, with her back pressed against his chest. Sleep soon overtook them, feeling safe, protected, and most of all loved in each others arms on the longest night of their lives.

michael guerin, different stars, maria deluca, fanfiction, roswell, candy

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