May 30, 2005 23:47
This is what I live for really... I had a great day, one to remember, not for the incredible things I did, nor the way it effected my being... It was simply a day that was very worth existing....
It was a slow start, it took a while to wake up, and I lazed around the house... But I went off with Tash to one of her lectures, and enjoyed using my mind for somthing other than counting boxes on a skid. (Oh, by the way... I've found some temp work, at $10 an hour, which means Im at least making some money this week...) The lecture was on Zoaostrisism or somthign like that, I cant even pronouce it, let alone spell it... But it was interesting, one of those predesessor religions which influenced both eastern and western religions... Based primarily within the Persian Empirical area (Middle east and Asia Minor)... Im hyped on her course there, and hope to do some reading on it as she goes through it.... I love stealing education... Feel so rebellious...
After the lecture we walked a bit and were privy to the sight of a more than strange rickshaw.... Baring both Canadian and American flags this rickshaw was blasting country westren music... LOUD country westren music... And the people who were on the ride seemed to be having a ball... Ahh, what we Canadians will do to attract tourists now days... *grin* We're selling our souls!! But hey... Id probably blast country music too if it was going to make me a few extra bucks that day... Ive had some strange experiences with rickshaws... remember being heckeled by one once... He wanted to know if Tash and I wanted a ride and I smartly called back "I need the exercise!" He had obviously heard this one before and yelled back... "Then you can pull." Truely a day I will never forget.... Later on that night a homless guy told me to 'pull up my pants' as I walked off the subway....
We went to the rex after that night, and listened to some great Jazz... Always somthing to put me in a good mood. The players were about my age, and obviously just out of U of T, a few might have still been getting thier bachelours... But they were good... Not pollished.... But good... Absolutely trancendant... You've never lived until you've heard a full combo live in a tiny bar surrounded with like minded people... Musicans, or at least dedicants themselves...
Ive always been struck by the way people travel. So many stories, so many thoughts, everybody silent. Public transit is so great for letting your imagination run wild, you can't help but imagine what they've all been through. Where they heard that tune thier humming? What's that book thier reading is about? We saw this guy dancing with himself at the end of the train runway tonight and he seemed a little lonely, like he was just trying to enact a little happiness, having a little time to himself where he could just do somthing for himself. I get like that. Hell, often its when Im here writing somthing, anything thats self reflected. Its part of the reason why I do this. Its some time to myself. Nobody needs to even see it. Tash thought that guy might have been dancing a part in some show or somthing. It looked like line dancing, or somthing, somthing that needed more people to look effective. But stuff like that goes on constantly in the city, its why I love it so much. Im there, yet Im anonymous just by the fact that nobody there cares. IN oakville Ive been stopped while crossing the street because I was walking a little unsteadily... I had been roleplaying all night and was dead tired, and the heavy cigar I had a few minutes ago didnt help... But I wasnt doing anything illegal.. I wasn't drunk... I wasnt stoned... I was just walking across the fucking street... And some cop thought he should find out what I was doing... Mind your damn business... I promise not to rob any convience stores on my way home...
Well... Either way, it was a great night... And tomorrow I work nights again until Saturday morning... Im into it though, its all been worth it...