This thing i got from KIP,

Sep 20, 2005 14:48

LJ Interests meme results
  1. athf:
    What can i say Ima Adult Swim groupie, i love every show all for there own reason but Aqua Teen's take the position of my absolute favorite . Mainly it's because of the similarities there house has with my own, no seriously. I very much identify with meatwad on a personal level, Dave is very Frylock-like, and Billy (our roomate) just is Shake, There have been situations in our house that have direcly manifested themselves in the show as far as the interactions between the characters, you have to see it to believe it. just ask Emotion Eric he'll tell ya.
  2. cowboy bebop:
    Bebop is by far my favorite anime show of all time, or thus far. Every single on of the 26 episodes is awesome for it's own reason. I love Spike, Jet, Faye, and Ed sooo much, it's one of those things that u love so much that you see it and it just makes you happy, you know what i mean. I find myself most identifying with Edward, why, I'm not telling but there's not enough room on this thing for me to go into every reason i love it.
  3. filmaking:
    Where do i even begin, Simply, Ever since i was young it's the one dream i've had, as far as things I aspire to do with my life. Ever since i was young it's what i've wanted to devote my life to doing. I've found it's one of the few ways i can truly express myself with artisticaly. old chinese proverb, "you pick a job you love and you never work a day in your life". I wanna work hard through college and get into film school and seriosuly persue a career as a filmaker, it's a dream, it'sa fantasy but it's one i'm going to persue and hopefully can be successful with.
  4. god of war:
    well i jotted this down in my interest well just cuzz it's one of the main games i've been playing lately but it is kinda more then that. It really is thee best third person action adventure i've ever seen, and i've seen lots. It's thee most visually stunning game i think i've ever seen on a ps2, it has one of thee most immersive stories, there are few games out these days that you not only wanna finish cuzz of how fun they are, but also wanna finish cuzz u wanna know where the story is going or how it ends, basically godofWar, super duper Awesome
  5. jedi:
    Do i really need to say more other then i was born in 1984 and for the most part of my childhood StarWars was EVERything, it was the abitomy of all that was my geeky-happyness. It was a way for me and my father to connect and share in a love for something, and there were few oppurtunities for that sorta thing. Also i mean the art of the jedi, being a jedi warrior i love on all sortsa levels, jedi's made me get into twirling and twirling made me get into Kung-Fu movies and i owe a whole lot to that, now that i think about it i owe alot to StarWars\ jedi's, it holds a super special place in my heart and always will (no matter what kinda complaining can be dopne over the prequels), it's made me the person i am today and yeah thatsa bout it
  6. manhatten:
    Born and Raised Yo! Upper East sider reprasenting, it's where im from, it's where i call home, and there's No other place like it in the world.
  7. porn:
    C'mon No one can front, everyone's got porn in some way, shape, or form. I've just come to realize it's better to embrace your porn instead of opress it.
  8. scribbling:
    i love scribbling.
  9. tank girl:
    LORI PETTY"S my homegirl Yo. I swear that chics on the list, list of chics that are soo cool that i'd consider goin straight for (not really, But in theory)I loved the comic, and it's one of those movies that i know are bad, but i still love cuzz it's special to me. There's nothing wrong with loving a movie that's so bad it's good.
  10. video games:
    Video Game have played an intricate roll in my development as a person. i 've loved em ever since i can remember and will till the day i die, simple as that. I know no one's really gonna read this but twas semi fun, i dont think i can write that well or tlka about myself so i never really do one of these things, or update my jounral with stuff about me, but i guess this is a step in the right direction, Thank you KIP,, i got this from you

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