Dec 19, 2005 20:07
Christmas, a holiday, the concept still eludes me somewhat.
I first encountered Chrismas a few weeks back, noticing a distinct change in the urban terrain, lots of decoration being put up, colored lights, needled folia and fake snow and small gnomish men and women in red and grey cloth.
Evesdropping on my court, I learned a little more of this so called holiday and later looked into myself at the library, it would appear that it is annual holiday, held each year at the same time. starting at the first of december and culminating at the 24. The official reason is the celebration of the birth of some person called Jesus, a messiah of sorts, believed to be the son of a god, appearently THE god... what ever that is. he was suppose to save mankind from itself, hence I find it ironic, that in the end mankind nailed him to a cross. I can't help but find it somewhat hypocritical, to celebrate the birth of a person you killed for trying to help you.
But that aside, a other great driving force behind this holiday is the purpose of being good to each other, when I've observed the stress of people doing their gift shopping, I find it hard to see the kindness being shared. which lead to a third motivation and the obvious main motivation for this holiday, gifts, people give eachother things in a gesture of being nice to each other. This leads to another strange mythic figure of this christmas, another semi deity called Santa Claus. According to the stories, it is him that brings the presents to the children and only the good children, because he spents the rest of the year spying on the children, determining whether they've been naughty or nice as the, song goes. A particular type of song makes it's mark this month too.
To be Frank I find it all rather confusing, but I have grasped that the point of Christmas is to spend time with your loved ones.
So I dismissed my court for the remainder of Christmas, letting them spent their time at their leisure.
I on the other hand spent the last weeks continuing my search for Grae and Ghost, to no avail.
So now I am home at my appartment and.... knocking on the door. I will conclude this later