I didn't write anything here over break because, well Bertie, I was with you. And I do so hate to pester the good people here whom occasionally deign to call me 'friend.'
So, for all of you (them), I was in London over the hols. Because I live there. Sort of. Nell and Sebastian came with. It was pretty. I did things and saw people. And now to appease you all.
Meet Tank. He's a sweetie. He's Sam's if you didn't know. More pictures under the cut.
When he was just a wee young thing
Every good dog needs a frisbe
Whosagoodboydoingtricks? Tanksagoodboy, yesheis!
So distinguished now. A right proper man.
Not too many. I wouldn't want you to overdose on cuteness and jealousy.
In other news, there is a game afoot. Hurrah for D&D. But we need a Shadowrun Game...
And classes are peachy. I will muddle through the poets somehow.