Jun 28, 2009 17:01
...what is everyone watching at the moment?
I've been catching up on Supernatural. I love, love, love the show (and especially Dean) but for some reason always tend to let it pile up so I can watch several episodes at once. I've got two eps left of this most recent season to see, so that'll probably be tonight or tomorrow. The show is so damn consistent and I continue to be impressed with the two Js. I just saw the ep in which we find out a bit more about Castiel's 'body' and Misha Collins really wowed me too. Is it me, or is Misha a bit weird on Twitter though?
I've started watching True Blood after 99 million recommendations and am enjoying that too. The acting/writing is largely fantastic. There's a *lot* of sex and violence though, way more than The Wire (sob sob) ever had. Now need to catch up on the latest season.
A little while back (I kept forgetting to mention them on here) we watched Chuck and Fringe. I saw Chuck when it first started but didn't see what would be interesting about it over a whole season. But I finally gave it another chance and am so glad I did - it is lighthearted, funny and warm, and Zachary Levi (and his co-stars) is brilliant.
Similarly, I'd seen the first ep of Fringe but wasn't impressed by Anna Torv or the first plot, but found myself increasingly getting into it when I gave the show a second chance. It's more my husband's thing than mine really (he was a massive X Files fan - even wrote a book on it when he was 16 that got published), but I love the comedy Walter Bishop brings. Plus the final episode - and of course the final scene - of season one absolutely blew me away.
Lastly, I'm really looking forward to Glee beginning properly in September. Everyone needs a bit of music in their lives, right? :D