Greetings my fellow greenies! I hope you all are having a safe and enjoyable summer.
As we move into the hottest month here in Mississippi, and approach the one year anniversary of the inception of our organization, the Gulf Coast Conservation Corps faces desperate financial hardships. We look to you, some of our biggest fans, for your continued support and love during this time.
We have accomplished so much in the past year, above and beyond what anyone expected. We have mobilized 51 Americorps members, primarily local youth, to serve over 24,000 hours of environmental and community service. We have recruited and partnered with 1,528 other volunteers to work on local projects, creating lasting relationships within our community. We have been revered for our outstanding service at not only the local level, but national as well, receiving both the Mississippi Urban Forest Council Award for Best Civic Group, and the Presidential Service Award. We have restored over 20 miles of trails, 15 miles of water ways, and 50 live oak trees on the shoreline, among countless other restoration projects.
To ensure that these efforts may continue way into the future, we are looking for "bridge" funding to carry us through August to successfully secure further funds for the sustainability of our program. I know that many of you, like me, are either volunteering or living on a VERY strict budget, so if you cannot support us financially, you can refer others who may have a more flexible checkbook. Anyone interested in making a tax deductible donation to the GCCC can do so through our website: or by contacting us in the office at 228-865-4420.
NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!!!!! (Remember: if you can't afford it, tell someone who can!)
We must secure these funds by July 31, or the sustainability of our program is in serious jeopardy. I would like to thank you all in advance for your support to ensure the continued efforts of the Gulf Coast Conservation Corps, and have no doubt that you will rise to the challenge.
Peace and love~