Oh Hay

Jul 27, 2010 13:22


After 6 years of transparent, excessive LJ-ing, I've turned a LOT of my entries private or friends only.

Why? Dunno.
Just felt like it was time to do it.
I've kinda left LJ land for my blog anyway and although I want to archive the last 6 years, I'm just not sure I want everyone & their dog reading it.

So... I'll keep this entry up public as the first entry on my LJ.

If you want to be added to my flist, you can comment here.
(If you're already on my flist, I'm not taking you off or anything.)
If I know you personally or from a community, I'll add you back.
Because having a big flist is still really fun. :)

Just know that I don't really update this journal.

What I do use this journal for is to read and comment on all my friends and the 17434365476754 lovely communities I'm a member of that I can't live without. Yeah, I'm pretty active in some LJ communities still.

So I guess if I've pissed you off in a community you can flame me here as well.
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