Oh Sweet Itchy Jesus, Make It Stop!!!!!

May 14, 2010 11:00

Seriously, the last month, my body has been on a mission to make me miserable! I guess I said "oh, I don't get sick that often" one time too many. I got sick in November, then January, then March. And for April, I got an ear infection that started around the 14th, and after trying home remedies (ear oil, heating pad, supplements, lavender oil), I finally caved and got some antibiotics. Had to visit the CVS Minute Clinic, since my insurance doesn't kick in until the 1st of June, which was actually a good experience, but I had a feeling the 5 days wasn't going to be enough to kick what I'd been dealing with for 11 days already. Did that run, lasted 5 days off of them, and was back at the clinic on the 4th, where they gave me 7 days worth, and advised me if this didn't work, I would need to try someone more doctor-y - they're just nurse practitioners. Wasn't sure on Monday if the 7 days had done the job, but the pain is just about all gone, though I've still got some awesome tinnitus and the ear won't pop and stay open.

Then, on Monday I woke up with itchy feet, and throughout the day, a lovely little hivey rash migrated around my body, itchy as all hell. Went to the clinic, got an adjustment from the chiro, picked up another supplement, went home, and then shortly after, it went from mild rash to full blown welty goodness across my torso and upper legs. Andi helped me out with some benadryl and tried an oatmeal bath, but sleep was intermittent between scratching (no self control). Every day since I've had the migrating rash, I'll go an hour or so ok, then it'll spring up on my arms, my back, or wherever it wants. Ugh. Yesterday got some acu from Michelle and she recommended trying histaminum tablets, but Henry's only had the lower dosage, so I got them but that doesn't seem to be helping much either. I've cut out one supplement that I think might be part of the problem, but I don't recall taking it until Monday evening, so I have no friggin' idea where this is coming from. And did I mention my insurance doesn't kick in for two more weeks?!?!?!

I don't have allergies (or hoping I haven't developed any) and Dave the chiro thought it might have been my body's increased sensitivity while on the antibiotics, but those were done Monday, so I just can't seem to determine why this is happening. Either way, if you're wearing anything rough looking, and I start rubbing up against you, don't take it personally. ;)
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