Teleported Into the Looking Glass (13)

Nov 09, 2011 15:53

Title: Teleported Into the Looking Glass
Author: mistressssnakey
Character(s): America, Japan, Italy and Russia(for now).  
Pairing(s): Pairings will be announced as the show up.
Rating: PG13(this chapter is pretty PG, but rating will go up).
Warnings: Some OOC.
Summary: America, Italy and Japan find themselves in an alternate reality after a failed experiment. There things are quickly put at stake.

This story can be found at

Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

Italy looked at Hungary sitting across from him. They were flying first class to her country. While he was tempted to travel to this world's Italy, he understood why she needed to make stop first on her nation. Since the plane ride began she'd been in deep conversation with her government. It looked like they weren't sure if joining in the war taking place across the sea would be a good idea.

Italy could understand their reasoning. War was never an easy thing, many die or were injured. To enter a war and send your citizens across the sea to fight on someone else's war was something that needed a lot of thinking over. Plus even if they accepted to help, it would take weeks of preparation for them to send the soldiers over.

Italy looked around the plane. The humans continued their normal routines. Some were discussing the latest move Cuba did. But they didn't look as worried about it yet. For now the war was far away and they felt a sense of safety still. It was the eye of the storm. Hungary knew that if Cuba was allowed to win in Canada, their attention would turn to the rest of the world.

Europe wouldn't be able to stay away from the conflict forever. Plus there was Asian. For years many of the nations there had kept absolute neutrality. They had gone as far as closing their borders from the rest of the world, absolute isolation.

But in the past months there had been reports about Chinese ambassadors visiting the island nation. If his were true they could be planning to help Cuba. While they could be over reacting out of fear, the probability of something like that happening was terrifying. If China moved in to attack Russia while they were trying to help Canada, things could easily turn into a blood battle.

The Russian winters would make the attack difficult on China. But it wouldn't protect the nation forever, especially with them already sending troops to Canada. Their best chances were that China continued to remain neutral. Or that they decided to help the allies. Something that right now appeared to be very unlikely.

"Are things doing that badly?" Italy was not blind to the worried expression on Hungary's face. The other nation placed the phone away and turned to look at Italy.

"Unfortunately they are. If my government choses to not help Canada, then there is very little I can do." Hopefully the other nations were having better luck with their governments. "So how are thing back home, in your universe."

"They aren't perfect, far from it. We'd been having some economic troubles among other things. But they're definitely better than here." Their situation here reminded Italy a lot of their World Wars. Times they weren't proud of and had hoped to never face again. Ironic that they had arrived in a world that was facing a similar conflict.

"We manage. We have each other, even when our governments aren't on the best of terms. Plus I have Germany." Italy blushed remembering the German nation. He missed him deeply already. Just thinking how worried the other nation probably was right now made his heart sink.

It also made Italy worry about his brother. Romano by now must have learned of Italy's disappearance. If Germany was worried then Romano was probably close to a panic attack. The time Italy had disappeared in an amusement park he had contacted the police, even if he had only been gone for half an hour.

Italy couldn't understand his brother's panic. If something similar had happened to him he would have done the same thing. "I also have Romano. We share our country's troubles." It made things easier for both of them.

Italy noted that Hungary was smiling at him. "You and Romano are also close here or were before he disappeared." Her expression quickly changed, the happiness melted away to reveal sadness. "His disappearance was hard on all of us, especially on Spain and the other you."

They still hoped that Romano had somehow escaped Cuba. Or that he was at least just a prisoner and not something else. Cuba wasn't known for keeping prisoners alive for long periods of time.

"Romano is missing." Italy looked out the window, it was almost morning. "That's horrible. I can't imagine how the other me is feeling."

"It's not easy, but Austria, Spain and I try to keep his spirits up." It wasn't easy, losing a brother never was. Nothing they could tell him could raise his spirit. But they could at least try to keep a hope that Romano was alive somewhere.

"What about Germany? Are the other me and him friends here too?" Italy hoped so. With Romano gone he hoped that the other him at least had someone. When Hungary looked away, his spirit sank even more. He wasn't friends with Germany here?

"Italy history didn't work here the same as in your world, at least not in the ways you told us last night." Italy knew that. America had lost the Revolutionary war and now the nations were fighting Cuba. That was pretty different from things back home.

"I know that. But what does that have to do with Germany and me?" Was Germany and him enemies here. It was the only reason that came to mind as why they weren't friends here too. Or maybe they didn't even know each other that well.

Their first meeting had taken place during WWI, which in this world had never happened. Which could mean that Germany wouldn't know the other Italy since they had never met? Italy hoped that was it and not something worse. Like they hated each other or something like that.

"Well, there isn't a country by that name here." Hungary placed her hand over Italy's. "I'm sorry."

Italy smiled sadly at her. "What for, it isn't your fault. I guess things are really different here. I should have expected something similar." That meant that even if he wanted he could see Germany here. He wouldn't see Germany again until they returned home, if they did.

The idea of Japan not finding a way back hadn't looked as terrifying as it did now. He couldn't imagine a life of not seen his Germany again. "I have to go and use the lavatory." Hungary nodded in understanding.

Once in the lavatory Italy looked at his reflection His eyes looked teary and it took all of his strength to not cry right there. He didn't want Hungary and the humans on the plane to see him in such a state. Sniffling he fixed his hair and clothes, throwing some cold water on his face.

It was almost time for the plane to land. He wanted to be alone and at the same time was afraid that it would be worse. That if he found himself on his own he wouldn't be able to keep back the tears. But maybe letting some of that out would be good. France had once said that keeping things bolted inside could make them worse.

Italy tried to look more relaxed that he was feeling and walked back to his seat. The captain was already asking everyone to sit down for the landing.

"Are you feeling better?" Hungary tapped her hand against his own with concern. Back home she'd done something similar while he had been under Austria's care. The sense of familiarity did more for him that she knew.

"Sì. I guess I just wasn't prepared to hear that. Germany is someone important to me and to learn that he doesn't exist here it is too much." Hungary nodded once more.

"We're here."

Both nations were more than glad to be out of the airport. Security was on the lookout for anything strange and even them as nations had been inspected from top to bottom. Neither knew how long they had been inside, the only thing that mattered was that they were finally out.

"Are you calling a taxi?" Italy turned to look at Hungary who was busy on her phone once more.

"No, I asked Austria to come for us." She smiled and returned to her conversation. Italy heard her speaking with Austria he quickly guessed. "We are here, hurry up." After ending the call she turned to look at Italy once more, pulling him towards the parking lot.

"Austria is almost here, it seems there is a lot of traffic in and out of the city." Italy wanted to ask Hungary was Austria was ta her house. The two nations were close back home, but if things were so crazy he would have guessed that everyone tried to be in their own country.

"That's lucky that Austria was around." Italy laughed awkwardly hoping that Hungary was able to note the question on his words.

"He's around a lot of the time. We are the Austria-Hungary Empire after all. We try to visit each other as often as we are able to." Italy stared at her in surprise. That explained why he was around. With a possible war both nations would be affected. He wondered if Austria was for or against the war.

"Ah, you guys fo5rmed a similar union back home. But things kind of felt apart during our First World War." Which this of course literally was for them, this was their first Great War. "I'm sure you'll have better luck than they did though." Italy continued soon after.

Hungary simply smiled. "Hopefully. Are Austria and me still close though?" She moved closer now.

"Yes. I don't think much has changed since the old times for them." Italy stopped for a moment, for many of them. It was true that their countries had their problems, but in the end some still managed to remain as friends.

France and Prussia for once, they had faced each other in battle many times. But still acted the same towards each other the conflict were over. "You guys ted to bond over your dislike for Prussia." Another thing he doubted would ever change.

"I'm glad to hear that." Hungary nodded towards and approaching car. "He's here."

The car stopped in front of them and Austria stepped out. He looked the same, maybe a bit more tired. "So it is true. When Hungary said that we had visitors from another universe, I hardly believed her. It is a pleasure to meet you."

After a quick introduction Austria helped them move Hungary's things into the car. She didn't have much, the trip had been short. But Italy had even less in this world. Italy was happy that Hungary had explained things to Austria already. He was ready to eat something and rest down. Not really in the mood to explain everything again.

Plus he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the others. Japan and America here and the others back home. Especially Germany and Romano, Germany didn't exist here and Romano was missing. He wanted to contact the other him here. He could understand the pain he was probably feeling at the loss of his brother.

Once he settled here he would do just that. Maybe also call the other two to see how they were doing. Japan probably had some new information and America was by now in Canada. He was right in the middle of the action. America was either very brave or completely nuts.

"Are things that different here?" Italy blushed, he had zoomed out somewhere in the middle of Austria's conversation. He had been talking with Hungary, but apparently had turned his attention to Italy.

"I…yes they are. Some buildings look a bit different, but not by much. I guess the history and some other things are what's the most different here. I'm glad that there are things I can recognize though. I feel like a stranger enough already." The other two nations smiled. Glad to know that Italy was feeling slightly better.

"Some of these places go back years, but there are some new additions too. Hopefully you'll be able to look around during your stay." Italy nodded, that sounded nice. He enjoyed visiting places outside his country as much as he enjoyed showing others around his home.

Italy looked outside the window. The sun was hidden behind the clouds. Was it a sign of upcoming rain? Or was the weather just showing them the turmoil that the nations were now facing. "I also want to visit…"

"Italy." Hungary concluded. "That won't be so hard to arrange. I'm sure our Italy would be more than happy to meet you. I haven't been able to talk with him much, but he knows you are around and he sounded exited to know more."

The car finally came to a stop in front of a large home. It looked the same as Hungary's place back home, down to the color and everything. Italy up smiled at it. At least he wouldn't get lost in it. He was familiar with Hungary's home back home.

He stepped out of the car, following the other two nations inside. The house felt as warm and as welcoming as his Hungary's home. He could also smell something cooking in the kitchen. While he loved his food the most, he was hungry enough that he would eat even something cooked by Austria.

"You left something cooking?" Hungary turned to the taller nation. She couldn't see Austria leaving something on the fire at the risk of it burning.

The other nation frowned and turned to her. "Of course not, I left someone cooking."

Italy turned to towards the kitchen to follow the other two. He hoped it wasn't Prussia. His cooking was as bad as Austria's. Hopefully he had hired a human to make them pasta. He wanted some of it, it had been a while since he'd had some.

Not really paying attention Italy continued to walk forward until he bumped with Austria. "Sorry. I wasn't paying attention..." Italy stopped talking. His eyes had fallen on the fourth person in the room. A sense of familiarity rushed over him.

The blonde nation turned to look in surprise at them. "You're here already." His blue eyes fell on the Italian nation and he smiled, stepping forward and extending his hand forward. "Italia. You must be the Italy from the other universe that Austria was talking about."

Italy stepped back from him. His heart was beating so fats he was afraid it would fly right off his chest. "Sorry. Did I scare you? It's just a nation from another universe, that's definitely something new." He pulled his hand back blushing lightly. "It is a pleasure meeting you. I'm…"

Italy didn't need to hear him say it. Even if he looked much older than he had done the last time he had seen him. It was the same nation, he could feel it. He hadn't even noticed until now how similar they looked. Only their hair and voice were the most notable difference. Him and Germany.

Holy Roman Empire.

The nation he hadn't thought of ever seen again since Austria had informed him of his death. True that part of him had hoped for many years to meet his childhood friend. They had made a promise after all. But after years of waiting, he had learned to move on. He would o keep him alive in his memory, but he would also move forward into the future.

It hadn't been easy. Having Germany had helped. But now seen him again, it was like a slap from the past. To see his old friend alive and smiling after such a long time, just wasn't real. But none of what was happening appeared to be.

He couldn't hold the tears of happiness (or was it sadness?) back anymore. So he allowed himself to cry.

Italy felt someone grab his shoulders and bring him forward into a hug. He was glad to know it was Hungary. The action was welcomed and he wrapped his arms around her. The other nations weren't sure what had happened or what had brought such a reaction. But the questions would wait until the other nation calmed down.

Sorry for such a short chapter after not having updated anything on Friday. Birthday weekend so I was far too busy. I probably won't update the extra chapter this Friday neither since I'm currently working on something else too.

Now for the story. I'm going to go against my headcanon (and that of many) and for this fic Holy Rome and Germany are not the same person. I would explain more on him in future chapters once we come back to Italy.

Fact: 1890s - During this time Canada almost faces a Civil War between the nation and the province of Quebec, but the nation was able to remain together after much diplomacy talk. Other provinces and even some of the "states" down south were involved.

fandom!hetalia, s!teleported into the looking glass

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