3 word Meme

Feb 25, 2008 03:15

This was fun, so I'm reposting it. :)

3 word Meme courtesy of khrysha

You get 3 words; no more, no less...

1. Where is your cell phone?
Next to me

2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby?
At his friends

3. Your hair?
Golden brown streaks

4. Where is your father?
Don't really care

6. Your favourite things to do?
Sleep all day

7. Your dream last night?
Something involving sex

8. Your favourite drink?
Beer and Midori

9. your dream car?
Purple Beach Buggy

10. The room you’re in?
Office - very bright

12. Your fears?
Far too many

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
Rob and Cats

15. What aren’t you good at?
stopping drinking beer

16. Muffins?
I detest them

17. One of your wish list items?
Get car fixed

19. The last thing you did?
Played online games

20. What are you wearing?
Lots of black

22. Your pets?
Cadbury, Pyewacket, Majicou

23. Your computer?
Is definately superceded

24. Your life?
Exciting, unpredictable, stressful

25. Your mood?
Horny, tired, bored

26. Missing?
My friend Tilly

27. What are you thinking about right now?
Getting a coffee

28. Your car?
is very dented

29. Your work?
is very stressful

30. Your summer?
Far too hot

32. Your favourite colour(s)?
Black, Red, Purple.

33. When is the last time you laughed?
earlier on tonight

34. Last time you cried?
Few days ago.

35. School?
Don't miss it
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