House Update

Jun 30, 2007 22:40

This is mainly to jog my own memory, but you're welcome to read..

Things are moving REALLY fast with the house. We had the building inspection thismorning and it went really well. As did the pest inspection yesterday. Only the odd field mouse by the looks because of the Budgie aviary next door. (The cats are going to LOVE that. haha) We both have a very positive feeling about it all. Just waiting on the bank now to come through with the finances before the end of the cooling off period next Wednesday.

The building inspection has shown us yet more faults with the house. The biggest issue is the house being on a slope, we may have to do some excavation work on the top side to redirect water flow. (There's a bit of a water flow under the house) It may just be from all of this rain we've had though. We don't know yet. We also have to redo the flashing in the eaves of the roof, but I think we can do this ourselves. It's started cracking because they haven't installed double thickness flashing. It's only single and quite thin. Aside from that though, and some general ventilation in the house, it looks great.

The woman that's there now runs the washer and dryer 24 x 7 and has done for 3 years with the laundry closed up, so it has shocking damage to the roof from that. She leaves the house permanently shut up too, so there's mould on the windowsills. Nothing a good clean and fresh coat of paint here and there won't fix though.

And the kids playroom! My god! The kids run riot in that room and have scribbled on all the walls and door!! Again, nothing paint can't fix. The kids have also put three of the doorhandles through walls, so we've got some gyprocking ahead of us and some tiles to replace in the downstairs shower wall. The door to the downstairs bathroom is fucked too. Need to rip that out.

The formwork(?) needs to be removed from underneath the house, where they've left it after redoing the upstairs bathroom. As well as the dead hot water heater under the house. We need to get rid of the compost pile left in the backyard and throw out, or restack all the firewood currently left in a messy heap in the backyard, leaning against both the back and sides of the house. Apparently all these things attract termites.

We may need to do something about re-positioning the combustion fireplace, as it hasn't been set up to proper building specifications.

We also have to revarnish the kitchen cupboards, but that's pretty easy.

So yeah, looks great so far! :)

Wish us luck with the bank!
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