On My Way...

Dec 04, 2003 14:18

*yawns* *stretches* *yawns again* I want to be anywhere but at work today...but whatever. I'm here and boredom has set in. At least I did manage to make some progress last night on my writing.

MUNDANE - Did not go to Gotham but had a good night home alone last night. I cleaned a bit, read a bit, and wrote a bit and that was a good thing. I'm a little upset that my pay hasn't hit my bank account yet since I do need to pay my rent tomorrow. I need this weeks pay to make it and so far, the deposit hasn't gone through. One of the major downfalls of being a temp. ManPower won't even let me fax in a timecard...everything needs to be sent through the mail and that is *SO* unreliable. Perhaps, after the holidays, I can build up a security nest in my savings account. Maybe. Dunno. Somehow, I went from being ahead in my bills, to being behind a bit again. I know I splurged a little in October, but I can't believe it's taking me until after December to catch up! I can't even afford X-mas/Yule gifts this year! Or decorations. Blah! :P

Sorry...had to get that out. I'm not living in poverty. I'm fine. It's just FMC is calling again regarding my car payments again. I dropped $450 on them last month and they are just blood sucking fiends. I think it's because I am so DAMN close to paying that car off that they're looking for any excuse to come tow it. Whelp, they can kiss my Irish/Native/Mutt American Arse. I'll deal with them next week.

And now for something completely different. I've discovered that having soup for breakfast can be a good thing. Rather than eggs, cereal, oatmeal, or any typical breakfast-like foods, soup seems to be hitting the spot. It warms me up before I have to face the cold, and it seems to give me an energy boost and raise my metabolism a bit. Sweet!!

Friday night I am going to a folk concert with a friend at the accoustic cafe in Bridgeport. Should be fun. I forget who is playing but I think it is possibly the Neils? If it doesn't get cancelled by this huge snow storm we're supposed to be having, I'm sure it'll be a blast.

Saturday I hope to make it to the CWPN Drumming Circle. :)

CREATIVE - It was a good night for creativity. I sat my butt down with my pad and pen and made myself write. I came up with six pages of text, front and back. Course, it would be more impressive if it wasn't a steno pad, but hey - it's still progress. It's interesting, because I have an outline of certain "scenes" I want to happen and this just wasn't one of them. In fact, I had no idea where it came from. A name popped into my head and then a place and the whole "scene" came from that. Before I knew it, the story flowed to 6 pages. It was just need to have a story evolve on paper right before my eyes with no clue of what I was going to write next. :)

I am making a new rule for myself. Let's hope that I can stick with it. Every night that I am home and able, I am going to force myself to sit down and write...even if it's just a little silly entry in my personal journal. If I want to be a writer, than I need to work towards it! And getting any flow going where there is none is a painful process at first. I'm sure that soon, I'll be rushing to get home and be excited about picking up a pen or pulling out my laptop. I honestly cannot wait until that day hits.

MAGICKAL - Aggitation still abounds. I meditated yesterday morning, last night, and again this morning. During meditation, I am able to acheive a relaxed and quiet state of mind, but it doesn't hold through the day. Something just feels very wrong. I *think* I know what it's about...but then again I sometimes feel like there is also something that I'm not seeing yet. I'm trying to mantain a semblance of calmness and for the most part it works.

Blech...wanna do something magickal tonight...but what? *ponders*
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