I don't think I did very well on my latest environmental science exam. Still open notes, but doesn't help any that I was missing for half of the material, so even though I had the PowerPoint printouts, I couldn't make complete sense out of it. I guessed way too much on the multiple choice and fill in the blanks, and pretty much BSed all the short answer ones. Ozone hole? Kill me. X.x;;
I'm still behind in some of my other classes, too. Especially English. *dies* I still have to do a report for that class, and revise an essay we did in the beginning of the semester, and lucky lucky me, probably half my researched material and my essay with Donnelly's comments have gone missing. Suck face. Vis lit isn't as bad, but I'm still missing a few current events--dag, I thought I'd escaped that when I graduated high school, and I'm still terrible keeping up with them--and a reading response essay. Have to make up two quizzes on some cheesey self-help/leadership book for global issues. And fall class registration is coming up, and from what I'm hearing from my vis lit com major classmates com classes are filling up fast. Ugh. Wish there was a remote control for life so I could fast forward all the way to summer.
Yesterday--or Wednesday?--I had this dream that Lisa (
chinchilla_mak)--yes you, Stupido!--was an up-and-coming movie actress, and when I was looking through a magazine I saw a feature about her new movie with GARRETT FREAKING HEDLUND. I turned to Lisa, who magically appeared next to me, and went, "Holy fark, you did a movie with Garret freaking Hedlund?! *fangirl spaz*" I think the movie was some cheesey romatic comedy, which is weird because I don't think he's done any. So the lucky face-head probably made out with him in the movie. >.<* Anyway, then someone from behind asks, "Oh, you mean me?" and I turn around again and screamed, "HOLY FARK IT'S MURTAGH!!!" Fangirl spazzed some more, then somehow I managed to completely switch off stupid fangirl mode and held a spirited, intelligent conversation with Garrett about the Eragon movie.
Weird. Hot, but weird. I think a few nights before I had a dream that Sis (
thedrearyraven) and I ran into Seth sexy Green in the supermarket, and that was hot too. If I keep having dreams about hot celebrities, I should dream about Clay Aiken and maybe Zach Braff again. Hopefully Zach Braff doesn't hate me like he did in that other dream.
I know it's old news, but I still wanna rub it in to my Cuya Rodel that UF totally kicked UCLA's butt in the NCAA basketball championships. I didn't even really care about it until he came down and was all like, "ZOMGa college basketball and UCLA like whoa is gonna pwn the whole league!!!!11oneone" Too bad I don't have his e-mail or something to do it. Florida > California, ha ha!
I think I shall engage in some hot NaruBleach Gamecube action now. Whee! ^.^;;