Ano, let me clear things up a tad, yo.

May 22, 2005 15:23

Nii-kun (thedrearyraven ), I so didn't mean you when I posted that vampire/Satan thing.  I was referring to Alex/Mrs. Starwind's friend, Allison, who was kind of scary and followed me around everywhere in a failed attempt to get me actually talking at the grad/birthday party.  She kept going on and on about how if anyone ticked her off she'd have to suck them of their blood, chop their corpse up into human soul pieces--ha ha--and dump them in the river where freshwater fish can eat their remains.  I mean, I know she was probably joking, but still.  It was like she actually, 100% believed she was a vampire and the spawn of Satan.  But yeah, I totally meant her, not you ever.  Nyaan.  I'm sorry.  >.<*

So tomorrow spells out for me teeth cleaning appointment and RSVPing for Pyro-kun's grad party.  Should be an okay day.

i try to explain things or something, party

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