So it's been like forever since I updated this here thing. Bad, bad me. Things have happened that you think would prompt me to post, but I don't know. I think I'm gradually becoming more of a private person. Or I just suck at talking about things of any value. Could be a combination of both.
I should've posted about this back in July, but Metrocon happened. I think I've been to this con every year since it started, but this year was different because I was involved with two of its shows. I was a stagehand for the Anime Human Chessmatch, basically helping with putting together and placing props and making sure things ran smoothly behind the scenes. I did have a teeny bit part in two of the feature fights, which was to be a cute Asian girl that handed the Bushido Blade characters their weapons.
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The Double Dragon/Tatsumi fight was special to me because I worked on it since they came up with the choreography and I kind of made friends with Brandon, who played Jimmy Lee (red denim). Besides handing Tatsumi his hammer, I tossed out several of the weapons the Dragons used in the fight.
The Fire Show was the other event I was in. Surprising, considering I've been afraid of fire for a long time -- and still am, hahh. My sister's the one who started out doing fire spinning, but she didn't have the time to do it and convinced me to try out. So I did, and to my surprise I was cast as
Talim from the Soul Calibur video games (SCII and Player 1 version, specifically). I still think most of that is because she's Filipina, I'm Filipina, and ethnic typecasting so worked in my favor. Between Talim and cute Asian weapons chick, that must be the case. XD
I didn't have the jewelry and proper tonfas done in time, as you can see. I kind of let those slide because my castmates said big jewelry would probably get in the way of the performance, and I wouldn't even be using tonfas for my act.
With a Jiraiya. I was having the hardest time balancing in that pose, but I insisted on doing it. Eventually, I steadied enough to take it. XD
Yay, performance pics!
A shot from my fire fan act. The other characters were Yuna, Rikku, and Paine from Final Fantasy 10-2. I was kind of the odd video game character out, ha ha.
Okay, so this was after the big melee. I got knocked out of it early, and for some reason I thought jumping over the rope to get away was a good idea. Not so much. Tripped, got a tiny back scratch and a scrape on my elbow, no big. But my shorts ripped right down the crotch area. Thank goodness the red triangle was there to cover up, but I had to talk tiny steps when I walked back so no one would see what they shouldn't. >.<* That pic occurred during that walk.
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So yeah, that was my Metrocon. It was definitely a rewarding experience to work with a big group of people for three months, even though I pretty much had no weekend me time. It's kind of surreal to think that all only happened a month and a half ago. I think I might consider doing it again next year, but we'll see.