
Jan 20, 2011 13:12

So I figured that I have a livejournal and I might as well use it! I have made random posts in the past but I suppose I can sum up what is/has been going on in a few paragraphs so I will.

So Elana and I are all moved in, our apartment is creaky and old but has an unnameable bohemian kind of charm that only old peeling wallpaper and beautiful drafty windows can provide. I have decorated and organized furniture and other nic-knacs to the point of vomiting so I can happily say I am pleased with its final product.

Elana has started her classes at Umass (I am actually updating this in the Umass library because I figured that I might as well go out if I am going to stay in) and is currently in class now. She seems to really like them and that is a pleasant change to soullessly dying in a worthless class that you hate!

I have orientation at GCC on Tuesday and I start classes on the 26th. I have 2 online classes, Psych 101 and Human Growth and Development. I also have two classes on campus which are Soc 101 and English 101. I have to take English 101 all over again because my stupid 'Multi-Cultural Course" at Simmons that made me write 10 papers about Latinos (because as you all know Woman are not learned about other cultures so they must be taught about them by condescending Men who teach at a woman's college) doesn't actually say that it is an English class in the course description. Also none of my assuring them that it is an English class makes any difference, I have to take one. >.< But other than that I am excited about school.

I am also waiting to hear back from the ADN program at GCC in April so fingers crossed that I can get in!

Finally I have a job interview at BJ's at noon on Saturday so hopefully that will go well and I can have some money to save in my newly opened TD bank account.

Alright, well I brought my computer here so I could get some planning and work done so I should probably do that.
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