Jun 14, 2006 19:04
Alright ma muckers? hahaha :D
The sun is shining and Ive found out whats been wrong with my stomach. Turns out that its attacking itself :D Fun. The lining is all inflamed and sore and thats why I have a horrible itchy feeling so Ive been prescribed some tablet for it (ulcer tabs >_<) and they should make it feel better. Hopefully. I just gotta steer clear of acidy foods (but I LOVE onions! :( )
Hmm what else to report? I might not get to go on holiday next week - passport issue might not be resolved. The joy. I still have a week off work though which makes the blow a little lighter :) I still really wanna go though. But I have let Lauren line someone else up if the worst comes to the worst.
Leanne needs to go back on her diet. Im putting the weight back on and starting to feel really shit about myself again. My confidence was only just improving and now its all going away again cause all I see in the mirror is a big fat ....mess really. I think I have a bit of an obsession. But ach well. Ill lose it. Just you wait. In fact. I think Ill start my new diet tommorrow. Might help my stomach also - and ill give up the drink. Ill just have top learn to enjoy drunk peoples company while ....uhh....sober. Ick.
Hmmm...I think Ill shoot off now, drag him off his guitar (oooo hes playing Pink Floyd - Sorrow) :D ((after he's finished playing this song)) and play the x-box for the rest of the night as we've picked up Unreal to play and I like kicking ass at it :D
Ciao my lil short arses of the world ^_^