OOC: Availability of "... Oops. Sorry?"

Apr 29, 2010 16:59

Soooo I'm sure most of you have noticed that I haven't been around for a little while. This wasn't exactly intentional, and was a combination of work suddenly getting VERY COMPLICATED (due to the assistant manager getting fired and two of our part-timers leaving for the summer when their school-year ended) and a lack of brain-power for pretty much anything other than curling up in a ball and whimpering most nights. I haven't even been reading my mun f-list.

(... And the weekly outing for karaoke, because getting up on stage was pretty much the one thing keeping me sane.)

But! I am still alive! Things seem to be settling down some here, so I'm going to reexamine things and see where I stand; I may need to look at taking an official hiatus, possibly for as long as the summer, but I'm hoping I can work things out to actually be around.

ooc: availability

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