MCA #1, Sunday Evening

Jan 04, 2009 20:40

Lulu sat down at her desk, going once again over a letter she'd received on Friday, trying to make a decision.

Dearest Lulu,

I hope this letter finds you well, and enjoying your time at school. I hear so many stories from you and Rikku that, if I did not know any better, I would think you were both making things up in order to tease me! (Only kidding.)

The situation here seems to be worsening. There is a new group forming that calls itself the Machine Faction -- some of the Al Bhed are out in the Thunder Plains, working with machina and developing a power source that uses lightning. It's all very interesting!! Unfortunately, a lot of the members of New Yevon are still convinced that machina (even when called machines!) are sinful devices.

Since tensions have been running so high, the leaders of New Yevon and of the Youth League agreed to have a summit last weekend, in the Calm Lands, that they might sit and talk and find ways to ensure their followers can coexist more peacefully. One of the gentleman in charge of the Machine Faction wrote to ask if they might be included in the summit, as well. The Youth League agreed quite readily, but New Yevon felt that they could not. They apologized, but said that in their view, sitting at a talk with those creating machina would greatly upset many of their followers, as it would appear to legitimize the idea that machina are acceptable. (New Yevon does not condemn machina, formally, but many of the followers still believe Yevon's precepts against them.) The Youth League became very upset, and cancelled the talk altogether!

There are rumors that the temple in Kilika has been sealed, and that some of the members of differing groups have broken out in physical fights in Luca and other towns. I am certain that these are just rumors, but they are distressing to say the least.

When you visit next, I will have to ask your advice on these matters, as I am sure it would be helpful. I feel, as High Summoner, that I should be doing more to ensure peace, but many of my pleas fall on deaf ears. Tidus says that I take too much onto myself, but people look up to me, and if I did not use that position to help others, that would be shameful. I will keep you informed as things progress.

Give Rikku all my best, and tell her to stay out of trouble. There, now I can tell Cid that I said that, and I won't be lying! Also please do tell her that if she doesn't get into trouble, I will be very disappointed in her. (After all, Cid does not need to hear that part.)

Wakka asks about you (not like that, I promise) and I have told him you are well. When you next see him, ask him how he likes caves with dragons in them!

I fear I must go. Too much to do and too few hours in the day. Write soon, but only if it is convenient for you to do so. I know you must be very busy!

All of my love,

"I suppose I must," Lulu mused aloud, before going to the telephone to make a call, and then another.

[Expecting two, but open for anyone who cares to stop by! Lulu is leaving the island -- going on expat status, so she'll be around some, at least -- so I guess this is a farewell post, if anyone wants to say goodbye.]

where: mca #1, other: letters, who: rikku, who: liir thropp

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