I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to abide by the rules and expectations of the No-Nonsense Sexual Education class. The rules are as follows:
- I will be polite in discussing delicate matters, but I will not be so polite as to avoid discussing them.
- I will respect my classmates, and though I may not agree with their opinions and tastes, I will understand that they have every right to have them.
- I will not discuss the private details of anyone's life outside of the classroom (without explicit permission), as I understand the bravery it takes to bring up personal details in even a semi-public setting, and do not wish to insult my fellow students by ignoring that bravery.
- I will attend class regularly; should there be an occasion on which I cannot attend class, I will inform the professor beforehand IC or OOC, or, if this is not possible, I will explain my absence at the earliest possible opportunity, with any appropriate documentation.
- I will accept that I do not know everything, even if I already consider myself experienced; we all continue to learn, even in those areas where we are experts.
- I will listen without ridicule or censure to the questions of my classmates, for I understand that not everyone will have had the same educational opportunities that I have, and so what I consider common knowledge may be anything but.
I understand that failure to comply with the above rules will result in disciplinary action, starting with detentions and escalating as needed and as discussed OOC-ly, if it's ever required.
Course Requirements:
Attendance: 15%
Participation: 30%
Examination - Unit 1: 15%
Examination - Unit 2: 15%
Final Examination: 25%
As NNSE is a heavily discussion-driven class, participation is weighted quite heavily. There will also be two written examinations throughout the course of the term, each focusing on the specific information covered in each of the two units of study. At the end of the semester, there will be a final examination, during which students will be expected to apply the knowledge they have acquired over the course of the semester.
[OOC: Above requirements are IC only; standard OOC requirements for passing grades apply -- AKA, sign into as many classes as you can, try to tell me (IC/OOC) when you can't, handwave assignments as needed. I'd love to see you participating in the discussions as much as possible, however, as I think there's a lot of opportunity for fun.]