So last night sitting at Denny's with
Hollowkatt and a couple of friends (H&B) and our kids we started snarking on all sorts of shit. Then we started talking about some photos we should do about the Spoooooky Buddha and Jesus and them battling and all sorts of snarky shit and then came the t-shirt and card ideas and then came out the note book. We decided that it is time to start the business I kinda already had sorta started, ie some paperwork filed like tax id and shit. This sounds like so much fun and so much gratuitous snark lol. And also so much liability. It will have so many divisions that it should be an never ending spot of snark and cool shirts. I have a list from about 3 years ago of bondage t-shirts so there will be the bondage section, the pagan section, the alternative lifestyle section for the gay and bi stuff, the religion section and lots of snark in them all. We are thinking photos, t-shirts, cards, ect. Anything I am forgetting that we should have fun with designing that y'all want to see? Or any business ideas that you want to share?