[001] Introduction

Jan 11, 2014 00:54

Actions reveal who we are. Emotions reveal why we are.

This is the delayed introduction post. 10 days into the new year is enough time for me to settle into the year and get started then.

So a brief introduction. If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know the following: I’m a Wood Rat Gemini, with a love for writing and talking nonsense. I love writing and the feel the keys beneath my fingers. If you follow my Twitter you’ll also know that I’m a feminist with a short temper. If you’re on my Facebook we’ve either met each other in real life or you’re someone I trust. On G+, you’d know me as an Ingress player. No, I am still a Green Lantern. Haven’t reached Yoda yet.

So, hello! Welcome to my blog. Oh, and since Rincredulous challenged me to add a short story to my posts, here’s a quick one.

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Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

2014: 100 posts, challenges

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