[PinkOcto] Pap Smears and Pregnancies

Oct 26, 2011 23:18

One of the things about cervical cancer is that it can affect your fertility chances.

For women who are planning to have babies, having an abnormal pap smear can be terrifying as it’s linked very closely to getting pregnant. While doing research, I found a website by one Stacy Wiegman, who shows that it is possible to have babies after being diagnosed with cervical cancer.

The biggest lesson I learnt here is that cancer is not the end of it all. Life goes on. It doesn’t stop even when you’re in the midst of the battle. I find that thought comforting, because it gives me something to hold on to.

You can read Stacy’s story here.

This entry has been written in support of Makna for PinkOcto. Please donate!

Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

health, pink october

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