[PinkOcto] Blogging for Cancer!

Oct 01, 2011 02:44

Alright, day 1 of Pink Octo! In case you were wondering, that was short for Pink October. Note: I’m coming off a high playing Borderlands with Edrei, Mogi and RRJ, so if the tone of this entry is high, you know why.

The main reason why I started this initiative was rather selfish. You see, a few years ago, there was this rather WTF meme going around Facebook encouraging women to post the colour of their bra in their FB status without making a reference to their bras. Their aim?

Increase breast cancer awareness.

My reaction then?

Bwuh… what? Alright, if it gets people talking about breast cancer, treatment, debunking myths and all that jazz, I would be completely alright with it. However, judging from the comments then, there wasn’t much of it. In 2010, whoever decided to bring that meme back to life thought it would be a good idea to continue the sexual innuendo in the name of breast cancer.

Without contributing anything of substance.

Yup, it’s like a Catwoman reboot. You show her body and her nakedness but you take away her humanity. GOOD JOB DC! Ahem, sorry, wrong rant, which I will keep for another day.


We were talking about another Facebook meme. I’m glad to say that very few, if any of my friends actually participated in this year’s meme, even though there were people spreading it. You can find the full text of the meme at the bottom of this entry. This time, it was about pregnancy. Now, like I said, I’m all for raising awareness but this?

This contributes nothing at all.

Breast cancer is serious business. While you may laugh, keep in mind that it is a very real disease. Some people believe that cancer is a purely physical disease. Others believe it can be cured by homeopathic means. Still others, like this XKCD comic, will take its weapons from science while getting his courage wherever he can.

And you know what? That’s ok. That’s all true. Whatever works for you, whatever keeps you going, keeps you going.

There are many who have beaten cancer. There are many more who haven’t. Why do I support Makna? Because I believe they’re supporting cancer patients in a way we often forget once a person has been diagnosed with cancer.

We forget that they are still fallible human beings who have lives to lead. They may have families who depend on them. They may have children who may not know what’s going on. They need our help.

Makna’s Volunteer Program is comprehensive and is dedicated to helping families live a normal life. Volunteers are trained to take care of cancer patients, spend some time with them or even helping out during cancer education awareness programs.

So if you have some time to spare, please come on over to Makna and donate! You may also want to check out the National Cancer Society of Malaysia. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

health, pink october, money

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