[Meme] Oh gods this took longer than expected

Jun 23, 2011 23:00

Can’t believe it’s been more than 6 months since I started this meme. Whoops. Well, I might as well finish it, since it has been bugging my mind.

Have you ever written a character with physical or mental disabilities? Describe them, and if there’s nothing major to speak of, tell us a few smaller ones.
I once considered writing a character who had a learning disability, ala Fei Mau if anyone remembers the TVB drama about the big fat guy who was mentally disabled. Although the idea has been simmering in my mind, I eventually gave up because there was no way I could write/explore him without being condescending, rude and shallow.

How often do you think about writing? Ever come across something IRL that reminds you of your story/characters?
Strangely enough, now that I’m away, yes, I think about it all the time. Very often, it’s not really the act of writing, of exploring the world I’ve created that I miss the most. It’s just the feel of the keys and typing in general. I spend most of my days in front of a computer nowdays, perhaps more than I’ve ever done in years, but I don’t do a lot of typing. Instead, I click on the mouse. And when I do turn to write, it’s only for brief seconds. Sigh.

To answer the second question, yes, sometimes, but what those are, I’m not telling. :P

Final question! Tag someone! And tell us what you like about that person as a writer and/or about one of his/her characters!
Jhameia and Ai, if they’re reading their F-list. Tell me about the character you hate the most in your novel, and why. :P

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Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

writing thoughts, memes

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